Ideas for exploration vendor

The vendor is quite lacking in useful or interesting items to spend mining points on so this thread is for gathering some ideas on what could be useful to add. I’ll start:

  • Meson goggles
  • Manual & automatic mining scanner
  • Pickaxe
  • PKA
  • Replacement hardsuit (for when artifacts delete yours)
  • Bar pod
  • Mini bluespace shuttle perhaps for a ton of points



meson goggles

i don’t even know why they aren’t roundstart for explorers or in the exploration room. i guess because sci technically doesn’t start with them? but you do find mesons easily in ruins which is probably the intention.


You can find PKA in ruins too.

replacement hardsuit

actual good suggestion!

bar pod


mini bluespace shuttle


When you run out of fuel you get ejected into random space ateroid and its possible to mine plasma from there. as far as i am aware the exploration crate get only one pixaxe.

There really should be some way to improve the eguns, whether its an increased battery upgrade or a consumable that recharges it. I know you can just drag a recharger around with you on the station but that is annoying to do and very gamey.

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Yes please! While we’re at it, can we drastically reduce the price of the detonator for breach charges? It affects late joins and non-detonator round-start crew.

We’ve steadily been getting more and more improvements to explorer crew from feedback.

Namely the shuttle was too small, so it got embiggened and given RP rooms and everything. Think about it - exploration crew shuttle had zero RP space and was the smallest, sweatiest powergame box. It got so much better.

Now we’re recognizing that the vendor is largely… not useful. Welder and wrench is universally cheaper and easier for opening walls. Your gun breaks airlocks if you shoot it enough.

So the $10k (why, though) detonator and $1k breaching charges were the biggest players, then maybe health recovery items if your RNG was bad.

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