I think fallout 76 is a good game

it’s not anywhere near as buggy as everyone says and I bought the power armor edition the tricentennial edition twice and a year of fallout first

Not sure if shitpost or not.

I do actually like Fallout 76 though. It definitely is buggy as shit and mismanaged, but it’s not the devil of a game it’s made out to be. It’s decent.


Same bro wastelanders fun af

Also why

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Any Wasteland fans here? no? I’ll see myself out

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I got the Wasteland on GOG for free but haven’t played it, what’s it like?

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Wasteland is the game that inspired the classic fallout games and it plays pretty similarly, it’s a tabletop inspired turnbased rpg that has a lot of choice. For example if you wanted to get past a gate you could lockpick the gate, climb over the gate, use a crowbar on it, use a rocket launcher to blow it open, or simply use brute strength to force it open. the game is very open ended sometimes too open ended if your going to play it I reccomend using a guide. It was also one of the first games to have a persistant world, meaning if you slaughter a whole town of people they aren’t coming back.


Fuck ag center all my homies HATE ag center


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Red Ryder time


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You still play famalam??

Hit and miss, but yeah.

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nick i like this.
ive been playing it sincewastelanders