I said it before and i'll say it again

positronic brains aren’t really digital/computer brains. they’re spirit boxes. they capture wandering souls before they can escape, enslaving them to new artificial personalities. robotics is just a front, they’re actually just techpriests meant to transmogrify souls into powerful entities forced to do NT’s dirty work.

thank you for coming to my ted talk, please avoid the death squad waiting for me on your way out the door.


Write a book on that and submit it to the library

what do you mean, escape. NT owns your souls. You will be sent to the ghost box wether you like it or not.

oh god. positronic brains aren’t necessities, they’re conveniences, efficient little tools to speed up the process. we all go into the big AI core in the sky eventually.

robotics is just a front

They also make mechs and bots, as well as augmenting people. Just because the posibrain is a scam doesn’t make them false scientists.

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