Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: IDK, i’ve only ever played on golden
Which server did the ban happen on? Golden
Ban Type: Server
Ban Length: Perm
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-12-09 01:50
Round ID: 24857
Ban Reason: Very new account, BoH bombed atmos as nonantag.
Appeal Reason: i didnt quite know what i was doing with the bag of holdings. my friend said it was a neat 'trick" and when it killed me i just decided to log off for the time being. i literally just started playing a few nights ago
Additional Information: Thank you for reading, i really enjoy playing.
i mean, i dont know his ckey, i just learned what those were. but i believe his actual player like name was something like ted kuvsinky or something we were in discord at the time.
Unless they’re a seasoned troublemaker, they aren’t likely to get banned for what amounts to a terrible prank. Nobody was killed (I think) and it’s an expected prank right along with “Hey chug a glass of water and then stuff your face with these bananas”
But if you were in a voice call with them we need to know so you don’t end up getting immediately slapped with a new perma when we find out on our own. Metacoms are an immediate permaban if we aren’t aware of it ahead of time so we can make sure it’s being used for teaching (and pranks) rather than for cheating.
my discord username is Vatten#4964 btw i wasn’t sure how to get unbanned so i joined the discord and tried to PM the admin who banned me, she sent me here
I think the ban can do with being lifted, just some friends having reckless fun. Just remember you aren’t the only one (or two) playing the game and causing large amounts of destruction is going to get you banned for grief. Pass that on to your friend too.
Going to go ahead and flag you two for teaching metacoms so you can play with a voice chat to teach each other and learn the game better together, but remember not to share information you couldn’t have gained in-character such as dying or death locations. If you die or get attacked, your friend is not allowed to rush to your aid unless you manage to call for help in-game. Communications between your game characters still have to take place on a fundamental level so the game is fair for others.