TheRandomhoboman Banned by Docktorqueue


Admin’s CKEY: Docktorqueue

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: I don’t know the main server?

Ban Type: Perma

Ban Length:

Ban Date (26/09/2021)

Round ID: I dont know

Ban Reason: Insulting people (one personal actually) and talking about homestuck then when was bwoinked was rude to admin

Appeal Reason:
I mean… This is literately a joke I thought. The Person was called Rose Strider and was asking people to fight them in the library, I just responded in the “shit talk” for battle… It isn’t even that deep but the admin DoctorQeueue or whatever just went overboard and perma banned me for it… like why?

For starters if homestuck is banned from talking why is Homestuck Names allowed but not “Random Hobo Joe” which is clearly a nickname… Like this admin is kinda unprofessional Im sorry. I would get a time out but a straight up perma banned when I wasn’t even being that insulting. I think I said homestuck was a crappy comic and a swearword but lik

Follow the official appeal format when making a ban appeal. I suggest the 2/3 top posts in the catagory