Here is the log dump, looking at it I honestly should’ve initiated the ahelp instead of only deciding to do the ban after the painful 1 hour conversation over ahelp.
Here is Humanlike after stunning the newly promoted officer and talking to the captain while he is still in the brig
[2020-08-26 02:19:17.747] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Cap…” (Fore Primary Hallway (106, 151, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:22.111] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Did you promoted A guy to sec?” (Fore Primary Hallway (106, 151, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:43.205] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “NO PROMOTIONS” (Brig Control (110, 170, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:48.134] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “NO PROMOTIONS” (Brig Control (110, 170, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:52.133] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “C: andrew” (Bridge (106, 134, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:50.401] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “CAPTAIN” (Brig Control (110, 170, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:53.886] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “YOU CHUCKLEFUCK” (Brig Control (110, 170, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:19:56.545] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “Andrew” (Bridge (106, 134, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:04.437] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “I dont mean to be rude, but your a shit hos” (Bridge (106, 134, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:16.406] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “You kinda need the help you can get” (Bridge (106, 134, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:19.690] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “I may be A shit HOS. but at least im not as shit as you” (Brig Control (112, 174, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:21.926] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “so fuck off” (Security Office (114, 174, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:36.505] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “What you gonna do? subvert the AI as HoS against the cap?” (Bridge (106, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:45.007] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “Now who would do that” (Bridge (113, 131, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:20:59.812] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Desmond moment” (Brig (111, 162, 2))
Humanlike confronting Captain at Bridge
[2020-08-26 02:21:45.295] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “cap just promoted A random guy to sec off” (Bridge (101, 131, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:21:55.228] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “You are really tryna cause trouble” (Bridge (102, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:21:57.094] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “Stop it” (Bridge (102, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:03.469] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “YOU LITERALLY” (Bridge (105, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:05.625] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “PROMOTED” (Bridge (105, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:09.346] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “SOMEONE TO SECURITY” (Bridge (105, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:09.439] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “If you wanna say shit, say it over command comms” (Bridge (102, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:13.429] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “WITHOUT MY PERMISSION” (Bridge (105, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:18.124] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “andrew” (Bridge (105, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:24.471] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “stop saying shit over general comms” (Bridge (105, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:27.277] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “its causing issues” (Bridge (105, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:32.928] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “your just tryna start shit” (Bridge (105, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:35.429] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Uh huh” (Bridge (103, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:36.121] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “you absolute bafoon” (Bridge (105, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:45.548] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “says the guy that promoted A random guy to sec off” (Bridge (103, 135, 2))
Humanlike trying to "convince" the Captain to change their mind
[2020-08-26 02:22:54.303] GAME: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) fired /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (45u) from a pepperspray at Bridge (111, 136, 2).
[2020-08-26 02:22:56.375] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “bad” (Bridge (111, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:22:58.392] GAME: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) fired /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (40u) from a pepperspray at Bridge (111, 136, 2).
[2020-08-26 02:22:58.850] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “dude” (Bridge (112, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:02.133] GAME: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) fired /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (35u) from a pepperspray at Bridge (111, 136, 2).
[2020-08-26 02:23:03.869] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “hes a scientist” (Bridge (112, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:04.903] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “you” (Bridge (112, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:06.206] GAME: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) fired /datum/reagent/consumable/condensedcapsaicin (30u) from a pepperspray at Bridge (111, 136, 2).
[2020-08-26 02:23:13.536] ATTACK: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) has stunned SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: 95) (Bridge (113, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:16.471] ATTACK: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) has stunned SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: 95) (Bridge (113, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:17.389] ATTACK: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) has stunned SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: 95) (Bridge (113, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:18.242] ATTACK: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) has stunned SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) (NEWHP: 95) (Bridge (113, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:23.152] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “DEMOTE HIM” (Bridge (113, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:24.407] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “BACK” (Bridge (113, 135, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:30.127] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “YOU REATR D” (Bridge (104, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:33.844] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “because I baton’d a scientist on bridge” (Bridge (112, 134, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:36.913] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “No?” (Bridge (105, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:37.003] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “actually a fuckin tard” (Bridge (112, 134, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:39.277] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “HE LITERALLY” (Bridge (105, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:43.053] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “PROMOTED A GUY” (Bridge (104, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:44.689] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “TO SEC OFF” (Bridge (104, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:23:46.902] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “WITHOUT PERMISSION” (Bridge (104, 136, 2))
Captain getting back up and after subduing Humanlike
[2020-08-26 02:24:11.863] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “you fuckin” (Bridge (108, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:12.799] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “idiot” (Bridge (108, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:13.858] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “borg” (Bridge (107, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:15.134] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “law 2” (Bridge (107, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:17.613] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “law 1” (Bridge (108, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:17.681] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “uncuff” (Bridge (107, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:20.362] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “he is causing harm” (Bridge (108, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:21.818] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Captain is A idiot” (Bridge (107, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:24.699] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “literally fighting people” (Bridge (108, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:27.089] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “and coudld cause harm” (Bridge (107, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:30.178] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “I DINT USE LETHALS” (Bridge (109, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:31.920] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “you are being” (Bridge (109, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:36.405] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “RANK DOESNT MATTER” (Bridge (109, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:39.657] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “demoted” (Bridge (108, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:42.545] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “READ SILICON POLICYT” (Bridge (109, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:24:44.734] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “STUN BATONING” (Bridge (109, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:10.117] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “HARM INTENT” (Bridge (104, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:12.102] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “DRAG SPRITE” (Bridge (104, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:14.878] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “MY SPRITE” (Bridge (104, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:16.216] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “TYO YOU” (Bridge (104, 137, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:37.748] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Law one” (Bridge (104, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:40.020] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Cap is A idiot” (Bridge (104, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:42.077] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “I already demoted him” (Bridge (105, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:46.345] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “by promoting A random guyt” (Bridge (105, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:48.570] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “to be A sec off” (Bridge (105, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:50.305] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “you literally” (Bridge (106, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:53.861] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “cant just stun people” (Bridge (106, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:57.862] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Uh huh” (Bridge (105, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:25:58.345] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “cause they did something you dont like” (Bridge (106, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:00.211] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “its WA warining baton” (Bridge (107, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:01.502] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “BORG” (Bridge (108, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:03.622] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “LAW ONE HELP ME” (Bridge (108, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:08.253] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “thats not how it works” (Bridge (109, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:10.112] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “law 2 stop” (Bridge (110, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:11.173] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Welp local HOS promotes A geneticist” (Bridge (110, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:15.832] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “To A security officer” (Bridge (104, 138, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:19.727] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “meanwhile im being demoted” (Bridge (103, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:25.971] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “Very epic 10/10 unbased sec off” (Bridge (103, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:28.672] SAY: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals) “cap” (Bridge (103, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:36.402] SAY: SaltyPenguin25/(Desmond Lyle) “yeah” (Bridge (103, 136, 2))
[2020-08-26 02:26:38.247] ADMINPRIVATE: Ticket #3: Humanlike/(Andrew Ryals): Cap is being A asshole for no fucking reason
After looking over this, if other admins suggest this I think a MRP ban is also needed, probably a week or two (with the job ban extended to continue after the server ban). The conversation I had with humanlike is around a hour long and I can post the highlights of that if requested. Mainly consisted of going around in circles with humanlike wanting the captain to be banned, refusing to understand what they did wrong, and acting like he was in the right and the captain committed a war crime.