Howluinb Player Report

i will look into this report tomorrow. also i would like a list ( if possible) to get the names of the other people involve so i dont have to take more time to look into thats

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It provoked me by saying “Moth moment” and by getting in front of my brig cell, spinning, pointing at me, laughing, etc.
To elaborate, this happened multiple of times to when it got downright harassing. Their horrible attitude towards my character made them feel hostile, which is why I said what I said. Though, to elaborate, this was all an IC issue, I sincerely do not want any harm done to the person behind the screen.

I honestly can’t tell you and I apologize for that, since there were a lot of them.

Hey, borg greytider here.

The borg was next to us, not doing jackshit to help.

No, I arrived only after the man was already cuffed.

guy standing back up, not held nor cuffed. I hit him with my baseball bat

No, he was on the floor, and cuffed by two sec officers standing next to him. You only added a hit for seemingly no reason. Wouldn’t even have changed the rest of how this scenario plays out, eitherway

During this, he was told by a few people to “stop"

No, actually, i was waiting for sec to cuff you and arrest you for having attacked a cuffed human. only a single bartender gave an order to stop, but it does not matter as you were a law 1 confirmed human harmer.

(after all it was just a misunderstanding)

Misunderstanding being on your part. You attacked a human while I was on asimov, security also saw that you attacked someone that was already cuffed & downed, along with knowing about how you blew open sec crates which i told cap in the past. They judged it enough to brig you. You seem to be the only one misunderstanding why exactly you were brigged.

other than metasalt from discord a few weeks back

You had no idea who I was, you only realized once i told you on discord which made you yell metagrudge.

Frankly, i don’t give a shit about you bro - all i remember is me spamming nepeta gifs to get you to shut up while you were shitting your pants with another person and filling the chat with drama; followed by laughing because you got beyond mad at this

I really don’t understand how you believe i somehow hold a grudge against you, because i honestly can’t care less.

Neither the less, I wasn’t being a dickhead - I was seeing how things would be playing out and if you were going to get brigged for an amount of time, as they didn’t set a timer on you until a fair bit later, while i was also arguing with the hop and bartender.

Plus, since you apparently accuse me of metagrudge, I’d like to add the following fact -
If security has a lot to blame for themself, too, especially the det since you mentioned him several times, why am I the only being reported against in your title and presentation?

Now I don’t exactly recall what happened,

Let me explain, then :

Hop yells for me to law 2 leave. i say no, non human. Hop shits himself because “i’m head of staff what the fuck respect me” Bartender says law 2 kill yourself. I say no, Law 1, my non existence would cause crew harm. hop yells law 2 open your cover, once again i say no non human, bartender tells me to law 2 open my cover, hop rushes to crowbar me open, take my cell and run away laughing at me, as i’m escorted out by warden, and bartender stays there. I only come back after warning the hos about hop stealing my cell, which leads to hos escorting me back inside.

Hop kept the cell on himself. He did not “chuck it”, it was in his bag. He lied about having chucked it, but hos found it right in his bag.

I say over comms that sec is likely rogue

To be precise, you yelled for mutiny and asked the crew to do something about sec. Not just “sec is rogue”

Seeing that sec has now arrested multiple people without hearing what they had to say

Because the evidence was overwhelming. For you, two sec offs and a borg confirmed you hit a guy for no valid reason. For HoP, i made a testimony and the power cell in his bag confirmed it, along with the fact that he had apparently already done shittery to borgs earlier in the round.

Heads are not immune to space law, and if they’re shitters, they get fucked over for it by sec & admins. The only one sec can’t revolt against without valid ic reason and admin approval is captain.

Someone in a black apron, (bartender probably?) tries to defend the hop, likely because the hop was yelling for help.

HoS tried to flash them, no point, bartender has beer goggles. He tries to batong them, bartender bats him and he falls. Hos shoves them, takes their bat, at which point the bartender takes out their shotgun and shoots at them, hos leaves and uses lethal (which is fair as bartender literally has a gun out), which ends up hitting the hop running everywhere and bartender, which for some reason makes them catch fire. The fire part was unvoluntary.

no anomaly stated over comms

ionospheric doesnt announce itself. it just happens randomly.

They flipped the shutters of the brig down, the hop still burning alive

he stopped burning at that point, and you were constantly yelling and being a nuisance. They thus closed the shutters.

hop was getting murdered

his friend the bartender outright tried to shoot the hos, and only 3 lethal shots were ever fired in total until the situation was resolved. The situation was revolved before even the shutters were closed. Everything was under control, and the hop walked out just fine.

bola him before running away

nice job having a cool ass bola. you also had a stun batong on you, which you somehow managed to forget to mention “accidentally”.

the fucking borg runs up and starts spamflashing me again.

I flashed you long enough to prevent some random paramed with a bat from taking you away, and for the det to cuff you. Det took you himself to brig.

I then get demoted instead of being executed for mutiny (lolwut).

Execution would have been too much, but you did deserve perma, so demotion was indeed being nice.
Mutiny is a capital crime, you called out for the murder of sec and implied borgs were subverted so that sec could murder people.

"To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. "

exactly what you did here.

The borg didn’t flash the baseball bat guy after seeing him hit the sec guy at least 5 times,

Because I was not here. I only arrived after he was down and cuffed. I had already encountered the guy earlier, and I defended HIM, by locking in the sec officer who was harmbatonging simply because he ran away. I even denounced him to HoS for it.

First, they did not just flash me. They flashed me multiple times. I have attacked the person because they got up and could still be a potential threat. It was in the heat of the moment and I for sure didn’t want to experience a bomb killing all of us.

Nobody ever mentioned a bomb, they were a lawyer, they were surrounded by two sec offs & you had a bat. you hit them, while they were on the floor, cuffed.

Telling me to stop does not matter if you attacked someone.

I saw them killing a member of command.

No, you saw the HoP being lit on fire by a stray shot aimed at the bartender, which ended with him being healed after the bartender was subdued.

It provoked me by saying “Moth moment” and by getting in front of my brig cell, spinning, pointing at me, laughing, etc.

I admit that I started by doing that for around 10 seconds, because you did salt at me EXTREMELY hard while you were being spam flashed and started to tell me shit about how i’m a terrible borg and my existence should not be a thing and whatnot.

Apologies for that, but i never heard an apologies for the constant barrage of insults I received solely for arresting you. If admins look at your say logs, they’ll see some pretty terrible shit being said.

To elaborate, this happened multiple of times to when it got downright harassing.

No, I spinned and pointed at you on one instance lasting around 10 to 20 seconds until i saw the lack of timer.

Their horrible attitude towards my character made them feel hostile, which is why I said what I said.

You started yelling about me being trash and terrible and no one missing me and an absolute waste of space before i even did the spinning and pointing. You can’t retroactively excuse yourself.

Though, to elaborate, this was all an IC issue, I sincerely do not want any harm done to the person behind the screen

The discord logs which happened after you learned I was the borg, clearly points out to the contrary, as they were filled with insults towards me, calling me 100% a “metagrudger” and

“God Howluinb, you really are the scummiest NRP player I’ve ever seen
You’re such a pissy little cunt”


“You’re so incompetent, one would think it’s brainrot”

or even !

“you’re a peak shitter
go back to tg”

This was WAY MORE THAN A HORRIBLE performance by the borg, security and command involved

Actually, it was an horrible performance from your point, starting with you opening sec crates in secret (cap had to find you opening them himself), followed by attacking a downed and cuffed person, followed by yelling for mutiny+subversion and making up lies of murder by sec, finished by (someone else) uploading a law to ai making you the QM no matter what. Admins said you didn’t upload it, which is weird, so i suppose you asked someone else to. Or someone just played a prank.

Your report is filled all throughout with either blatant lies or absurd misunderstandings, which all seem to skew everything in your favor and make you the unspoken hero of the station everyone misunderstanding, despite 50% of the events that transpired being entirely your fault (the rest being hop and bartender).

The fact you were so toxic all throughout and carried on salting during the entire round over being arrested by an asimov borg for legitimate reasons, and even continued to salt EVEN MORE in the discord to a point that everyone started mocking you and telling you to shut up, makes me want to ask the admin to investigate you in this report, too, unless I need to make a secondary thread so that you’d be investigated. An admin said they already handled and bwoinked you, but you seem to have taken no punishment for it as you apparently still act as if sec and borgs were terrible murderers worth causing a mutiny against.


No? You were screaming about cuffs while the guy slowly got up, uncuffed. It was not a misunderstanding on my part. You took matters into your own hands while I was the one who actually disarmed the attacker. You could have just flashed me once and let security handle it.

As for the “metasalt” part, you fail to realize I didn’t know you were the borg before the round ended. Though, now that I do know you were that borg, I can connect 2 and 2 together. Even if what you say is true, I do not simply trust you enough. The experience with you on discord is only detrimental, given how you always start things with me.
“If security has a lot to blame for themself, too, especially the det since you mentioned him several times, why am I the only being reported against in your title and presentation?”
I do not have their names nor ckeys, which is why I hoped the admins reviewing this would deliver their own judgement on this. This is primarily a report on you because you were the catalyst. I am not defending the security, the security was also abysmal that shift and I would like the admin reviewing this to also check out those.

As for the fight, why did the hop get caught in the crossfire/get put in there to begin with? All of this nonsense could have been defused if they communicated. I wasn’t really paying much attention to the fight since there was a borg next to us watching, so I can pinpoint who’s exactly at fault.

If that’s the case, why did not a single soul that has access to station announcements say that? Also, I’m pretty sure sometimes the tcomms errors get announced, but I could be wrong.

They were still burning at that point, while the hop was still screaming about something. If the situation was resolved, I couldn’t see it. I was stuck on the other side of the brig.

Yeah thanks for mentioning the bola. It’s not like I said right before “dodge his bola” Are you cherrypicking what I say? It really sounds like you’re ignoring my points again and pulling out words to make me look bad. Please, stop trying to be hostile to me like you are on discord. I am trying to have a civil discussion and you’re saying false things. As for the baton, it was from the beepsky that was chasing me.

You spamflashed me while I was typing with detective, yes.

It was a “mutiny”, if you can call it that, based on my observation of security doing their job very poorly. Not once did any security officer explain anything to me.

Okay. I did not see nor know about you encountering the guy earlier.

I know that nobody mentioned a bomb. But do you want to risk one going off? He could have just as easily have something else in his bag as a method of crowd control. It’s very easy to lose a grip on someone and have them escape because they had an ace up their sleeve. I was simply trying to prevent that.

Yes, I did say that because I didn’t know you were at asiimov at that time.

Incorrect. You were doing way more than just “spinning”, which is why I, as Volatus, said ICly all those words. After all, getting arrested for helping and then having all that happen would surely put someone into stress. It was merely MRP at my end.

And yes, this was after I learned whom you were. Both of us have a history of hating each other, all because you didn’t stop spamming after I told you to stop. You kept escalating the situation, which is why I’ve grown to despise you whenever I see you in the discord.

Those crates were not “opened in secret”. We got the lent shuttle which came in with 5 locked crates. I opened them all, put them in the warehouse and left them there. I had no intention of using them. Why did I not announce them? I was, at the time, not very active at my keyboard.

As for the admin, I talked to them in the ticket and they told me to make a forum post, which I did. This is the forum post.
You’re being a little off-topic, but to elaborate on my end, yes. I got toxic in discord when you started strawmaning the shit out of me (Which you always do to me, for some reason).
Overall, I would say that your response is not bad, but It’s reaching a little in some aspects.
I stand by what I said ICly, but what I said OOCly might have been a bit out of hand, even when I was provoked by you and others. (Please do not forget to mention OTHER responses, other than just mine)

You could have just flashed me once and let security handle it.

You were a known crew harmer, and the last two person who harmed people that i did not act against openly (a harm batonging sec officer, and a botanist killing a humanified monkey) were ignored by sec. I believed IC making sure you were punished by sec was a legitimate thing, and i wasn’t going to flash you forever. I’d just wait until i was sure sec would either forget you or say you were handled before letting it go.

how you always start things with me.

Arguable, if anything you’re the one who gets beyond mad at me to a point of hurling insults

why did the hop get caught in the crossfire/get put in there to begin with?

Hop got brigged, bartender rushed inside with a bat while hos was stripping them of their tools and ID. everything followed as i described.

if they communicated.

They couldn’t, because you instantly started screaming bloody murder from behind the windows. Everyone already knew it wasn’t murder, and that thing just went a bit wrong but was entirely justified. You’re the only one with hop & bartender who screamed bloody murder, you going to the point of calling for mutiny.

Sometimes the tcomms errors get announced,

Only ionospheric that makes the text all garbled up gets announced. The type that just shut off comms doesn’t.

Yeah thanks for mentioning the bola. It’s not like I said right before “dodge his bola” Are you cherrypicking what I say?

No, as far as I know, dodging a bola =/= catching it. Apologies for assuming you had one in your bag, since you didn’t mention grabbing theirs.

As for the baton, it was from the beepsky that was chasing me.

It had a cell, so, no, it’s not “just” from the beespky that was chasing you.

I know that nobody mentioned a bomb. But do you want to risk one going off?

No, that’s not how it works. That’d be on par with killing a cuffed person and cremating them, because, “they might be a ling ! Do you want their cuffs to dissolve and them to pull out an armblade? do you?”

You are, not a security officer. the suspect was subdued, on the floor, cuffed. You did not need to hit them.

You were doing way more than just “spinning”, which is why I, as Volatus, said ICly all those words.

Logs will confirm i spun after you unleashed your first barrage of insults.

Both of us have a history of hating each other, all because you didn’t stop spamming after I told you to stop.

A single instance of you getting mad at me, does not suddenly make me hate you. I literally do not care about you more than you just being another player. I do not understand why you believe that if you hate me, then i must hate you.

I was, at the time, not very active at my keyboard.

Not an excuse, especially since they were sec crates and needed to be given to sec. You opened them and hid them, only until i warned cap and cap had to take them away from you.

You’re being a little off-topic,

You are the one who claimed I was metagrudging, and proceeded to call me names constantly on the discord, while i was genuinely replying to you correctly with everyone else agreeing with what I said. Everyone else’s other responses were in agreement with me, or mocked you. No insults, just mocking because you were insulting me/getting beyond mad.

I believe it to be fair to point out that this report may not be coming solely from a place of “i got a bad round because of x, please do something”, and possibly because of outside reasons.


You were a known crew harmer, I believed IC making sure you were punished by sec was a legitimate thing, and i wasn’t going to flash you forever.

If I was a known crew harmer, why did you not let security that was standing right next to me (Not a 1 tile gap between us) to handle me? Again, I was putting precautions above everything, you could have chosen to not intervene. You could have simply, at best, stunned me and pointed to me like most borgs do.

Arguable, if anything you’re the one who gets beyond mad at me to a point of hurling insults

Do you not see what you type? Because I’m pretty sure you were the one who said that I was “seething” in discord twice, which prompted the insults you’re mentioning. Maybe you should treat people how you wish to be treated yourself, instead of treating me like shit. Actions have consequences, or something.

Hop got brigged, bartender rushed inside with a bat while hos was stripping them of their tools and ID. everything followed as i described.

Don’t forget to say that the hop was screaming for help. That is a major plot point.

if they communicated.

They could have communicated at least a single sentence during the whole time I was there. Not once was I told some information, I was left in the dark completely.

It had a cell, so, no, it’s not “just” from the beespky that was chasing you.

It indeed did not have a cell. I picked it up from a defeated beepsky which start with no cells. If there was a cell, then that was not my own baton.

That’d be on par with killing a cuffed person and cremating them

It indeed would not. You’re describing murdering an already sorted person, when I am talking about a THREAT, since the person was NOT cuffed.

Logs will confirm

Logs will also confirm your own shittery, yes.

A single instance of you getting mad at me

I would pull up the discord messages of you telling me to shut the fuck up, but I’m not willing to scroll up that far. I can 100% tell you that it was your own doing.

why you believe that if you hate me, then i must hate you.

Maybe because of your general attitude towards me? You ARE actively hostile to me in the discord. There is no denying that.

while i was genuinely replying to you correctly

Your first two replies were
“Literally seething”
No, you were not.

I was the captain in this shift ckey: Yourmotherisoflowiq player name: vince Randolph
I was rather active in the shift, hope this helps.

I was observing this round. While I missed the initial fight, you were incredibly toxic to both the captain and the borg, and also said some icky ocky stuff, mentioning rounds. This round should very much be the other way around. You, a moth, harmed a human. By all rights, the borg could murder you for harming humans. Instead, it flashed you and allowed you to live, which is more than you can ask from a asimov borg when you are nonhuman


incredibly toxic to both the captain and the borg

Why yes, any average spessman would be understandably mad when literally nobody cares to ask them what really happened, trusting the lawed object more than witnesses.

icky ocky stuff, mentioning rounds

During the round? No. I have not. That must have been after round ended.

By all rights, the borg could murder you for harming humans.

In that case, isn’t asimov just a license to grief non-humans? The PR that added asimov into starting borg law pool should be reverted. PR number: #4956

attacks human
borg defends human
Why did the borg do that?

This is purely ic, law 1 overrides all requests to “stop” and you were very clearly dangerous to this human and ultimately given appropriate sentence for attacking someone as not security member.


What you’re basically saying is; Uphold all laws regardless of context nor situation. Please understand that I was actually helping sec in the situation.

you were a non-human atatcking a human and the borg was under asimov?



I was a borg under asimov. That is literally what I should do. How hard is it to understand that?

You overescalating a purely IC event into a mutiny and being overly toxic all throughout is 100% bullshit.

As Captain in this round, i’d like to say it was made very clear to the crew that the ai was Asimov
it was said multiple times by crewmembers and borgs (hope that helps).

Quater Master moment