Title: Biggamer34 Admin/Mentor Report
CKEY: Randomlad645
Your Discord: Beanos did nothing wrong#9936
Offender’s CKEY: Biggamer34
LRP or MRP server: LRP (Golden)
Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): Not relevant
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 12. 4. 2020 (GMT+1)
Round Number: 24698
Rules Broken (if relevant):
Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Extreme adminbus of the bad kind as Trial admin
Incident Description: Spawned in an inspector (named Dominick Houser), then when they were recalled for general incompetence spawned them once more, then when they got sent back by crew sent them to station AGAIN with weapons
Additional Information: So I start the round, try to save SM because the CE could crealy not do so, they suicide so I take their tools, Central Command asks if we want an inspector or no, I anwser yes. They get drop podded into cap office (I think) and I see them there, not moving at all, and I think they are afk. I loot them, but I see they are not afk, and they start to shove me around so I leave, and throw his stuff around bar, then ask CC on the inspector’s radio to send a more competent inspector, I see him recall the Inspector with a drop pod. But then, the same guy comes back, with better armor, weapons and access. He shoves me onto a table on the bar and throws a bottle of something to me. I start to chase them down with disablers, but they retaliate with an ion and disablers. He cuffs me, and then comes about 8-10 minutes of him dragging me around the station, continuing to ask about his clothes. I don’t know where they are, but he does not care about that and keeps dragging me around. Eventually, crew saves me, we cuff the guy, and I place him on the CC ferry and weld it shut. Then comes the third time he gets drop podded in by the admin, this time with even more weapons, to kill me. I thankfully drop him dead and cremate him, but he recalled the shuttle a couple of times and the admin did NOTHING about it, basically delaying the round more and more. Because of the damage the inspector dealt to me, the traitor in bridge had a window of opportunity and killed me. I asked the admin around the second drop podding of the Inspector to stop sending Central Command personnel because it is annoying. Essentially, the admin spawned in someone multiple times, impacting the round in not a good way and delaying the it. As I said, adminbus of the bad kind as a trial admin.
Ps. I asked the admin who joined the round to call a headmin but he said I should make a forum report, so here it is.
Multiple times, both IC and OOC (Prayer AND adminhelp) after the admin did not give me a response IC, but he just kept on sending him back, the last time with a “CentCom bodyguard” and likely with an objective to kill me as he continued to attack me upon seeing me
I agree I messed up in an awful way. I originally sent in a CC officer after a ton of folks got Supermattered from a Traitor clown, you can imagine how. The CC officer went to go assume control, and unfortunately, went AFK in front of Cap’s Locker. Brick lowe then came in and stripped the officer. The CC officer then came back to their PC right after brick had finished stripping em. I had to go and retrieve them after they got locked in a locker. I then sent them back in with the job of “Get your stuff back”. Needless to say, the Officer got robusted by brick, and send back to centcom in the shuttle, cuffed and with their stuff taken, again. I then got a single Seccie ERT, told them to go be their bodyguard, and sent them off one last time (I threw away the Sec ERT’s Pulse Rifle). I thought that they’d go back and retreve the CC officer’s stuff like they were supposed to. This is where shit starts to hit the fan. Sometime, the bodyguard split off of the CC officer, got killed, and had his stuff taken by a tot. The crew also thought that the Officer and the bodyguard were hostile, which they (Maybe?) were.
I had decided to give up on sending another after the CC officer and his guard, because stuff was getting a bit late into the round.
Cue Cargo going full gun mode, the tot with the bodyguard’s suit getting both CQC and gloves of the north star, and everything going full awful. At this point, I had little to no clue of what was exactly going on. I think Brick got killed by the tot in the Bodyguard’s hardsuit.
But I can guarantee that the Bodyguard’s orders were “To protect the CC officer”, and the CC Officer’s were to “Get your shit back or face our wrath”.
I sent the CC officer back the first time, because they got stripped while AFK, and weren’t really given a fair chance to do their job. The second time I sent a (Probably also incompetent) babysitter in the form of that Bodyguard.
That’s my side of the story, may be edited in case I forgot anything.
Uh-huh, seems like I should’ve made a report on that Dominick guy. I told them multiple times I did not know where their suit is (It was not in the cap office OR the bar) but they kept on dragging me around and saying stuff to me, and when you sent them for the last time he decided to hunt me down instead of search for his jumpsuit (While he searched my bag already, and I did not have said jumpsuit on me anywhere)
Brick what was your job? I get it if your an assistant since you’re allowed to loot afk people on LRP, though I wouldn’t advise it on an admin spawn for obvious reasons
@pat-rick had no idea you would take it upon yourself as a latejoin assistant turned captain(???) to strip and loot the ghost role you asked him to spawn and then repeatedly grief that same player. He probably didn’t expect it because it’s beyond common sense not to fuck with the requested adminspawn he was SO KIND ENOUGH to send you, but also against the server rules as a nonantag.
Then you report his ass despite the fact he was kind enough as to not gib you and slap you with an assistant ban for some of the most brainlet greytide you could possibly do. @pat-rick did nothing wrong. You were abusive of his trust that you could play nice within the incredibly minimal roleplay requirements of lrp for an interesting curated experience.
Frankly I’m surprised that when the other admins saw this, they didn’t slap you with a ban or note to never do anything fun with you again. You were in the wrong, fucked up, and are reporting a guy that wanted you to have a good time and was actually playing along with you. Goddamn dude apologize and show a little bit of fucking respect for the people you play with - that was rage fuel.
I’m on leave, but I’m coming here to deny this. Let me spell it out for you:
Screwing with CC Officials/ERTs = Death. You have no right to complain about being attacked for attacking CC officials for no reason, especially one that you requested, let alone make an admin report.
An admin sending CC after you because you directly attacked someone from CC unprovoked is entirely reasonable on his part, and in fact rather lenient considering you fullstripped him twice and later cremated him for trying to get his stolen property back.