Ever since I learned that the Sentient Disease was a thing, I’ve always wanted to try it out. The blob seems really interesting and unique, and the abductors seem extremely fun to RP. But alas, I have literally no idea how to get these coveted roles. Do I just join as observer and wait for a spawner notification? Do I have to have died early in the round and not get cloned and NOT get a lavaland type role? Do I just need to get a notification mid round that will kill me and make me that specific mid-round antag? How does it work even?
You need to have those roles enabled in game preferences and be a ghost while those are spawned, there will be popup whether you want or not to be one, then it’s just random who gets it from those that wanted.
Thanks. Are observers ghosts?
U have to click fast and Yea probably
Yes, observers are ghosts.
I main observer because my favorite roles are midrounds and ghost roles.
In addition to the midround roles that pop up a notification “Do you want to be an X?” There is a button under the ghost tab called Spawners menu. This offers roles that are created at roundstart and vary between each round. Ashwalkers, Hotel Staff, Syndicate Lavaland Researcher, Syndicate Comms agent, and Free Golems are all under this menu as well as several others.
There’s also the possibility to get someone else’s traitor role if you observe from roundstart- we get tickets from people who either forgot to disable or simply can’t commit to the round frequently and offer their body to ghosts so someone else can take over. Having a handful of players on standby is super useful for these situations.
One thing to tack on:
Make sure you obey your instructions as any given ghost role (unless you’re an ashwalker), if you break ghost conduct it’s standard practice to ban from all ghost roles if it gets to a point where a ban is necessary.
Look at this superior reply
This is classic ruko
Ruko for senior min