How about restricting bombs to high pop

I refer to tater bombs specifically, since there’s no way to restrict traditional ones.

If it’s high pop people can actually make an effort to fix damage and repair stuff.

If a low pop round is bombed, it’s anything from extremely tedious repairs (compared to high pop) to the round just getting ended right there.

In my opinion the capacity to potentially fuck an entire round over by just pressing a button and walking away is too disgusting to keep in.

But what do you think?

edit: also worth pointing out that medbay gets bombed every fucking time, because fuck letting people actually play amirite.

  • Remove bob
  • Keep bom

0 voters

yeah in your opinion. wheres the “i dont care do something else with your life” voting option



Have you tried looking inside of your ass



how to counter bombers

step 1

  • beat up any scientist nerd outside of sci

Wisdom, though you’re talking about regular bombs, as opposed to tator ones which are just bought.

Why can’t we remove bob and have bom at the same time

I don’t know pixelman. I suppose people like dying to fastmos or having their round cut short after two minutes.

How about instead of limiting it based on total population, base it on population of jobs that would be able to defuse/respond to the bomb.

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