Title: Helen Strange, RD, Overescalation
CKEY: Furminium
Your Discord: Furminium#0014
Offender’s CKEY: /
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Helen Strange
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 08.19.2020
Round Number: 20127
Rules Broken: Overescalation
Incident Description: Helen Strange decided to blow a borg because "OH; NO; AI MALF". checks ai. ai not malf. Leaves the brain of the blown borg on the floor in xeno.
Additional Information:
From the logs you escorted tiders into RD’s office, bolted their doors open, opened the RD’s secure locker to give them things and also you were emagged.
RD spent time investigating and also checked all of this with you and another borg as well before blowing you.
Blowing an emagged borg that is helping an antag is not against the rules.