Heist Antag

So here’s an idea: A team of thieves, perhaps contracted by the Syndicate, perhaps independent, who have the objective to break into the vault and steal some high-value items, or a large amount of money. They would differ from traitors/pirates/etc in that they try to avoid violence, instead going for an Ocean’s 11 style heist. It would probably work best with 3 or 4 people, with skills randomly chosen from a list like this:

Pickpocket, with the ability to stealthily remove items from players (some limits would have to be placed to avoid this becoming OP)
Con man, skilled at impersonation and ID forgery
Acrobat, able to ventcrawl and squeeze into a box
Hacker, able to view and disable security cameras from a laptop, perhaps also able to set off or disable certain alarms
Demolitions expert, equipped with breaching charges/C4 for breaking down walls and doors, maybe some smoke grenades
The Man with The Plan, leading the team and providing different stat buffs with different plans
The Getaway Driver, with a vehicle similar to a clown car that can only pick up team members

The team’s objectives would be to get in, get the loot, and get out. Stealth/RP con artistry focused run, less combat-oriented, fighting only if imminent arrest or death is near.

Your thoughts?


I’d like to see someone try to steal the super matter crystal. Not a sliver of it, the WHOLE thing. Disconnect it from the station and build and designate a shuttle around it or something and fly off with it.




Fun random fact this reminded me of, you can put items in peoples pockets and it won’t give them a message. I think at least, from the last time I tried it.

HA good luck trying to get that as a feature. Not a whole lot of antags really give an option to vent crawl, nor a whole lot of races even. Only thing that comes to mind are morphs, swarmers, plastic golems, monkeys, teratomas, spiders, slimes. Ventcrawling wouldn’t really help much either unless you had a storage implant, even then the only way normally an antag could even think of using this strategy is turning themselves into a plastic golem and just getting a emag and hopping you get stealing a hypospray/something that can even fit

Payday 4: the autism confirmed???

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And I suppose that they’ll look like this too?

I mean payday masks are in the game allready so


May try that on my next antag round

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