Have you literally ever been wizard

ive had it about 10 times on various codebases and about 3-4 times on bee

  • fireball
  • jaunt
  • ei nath
  • teleport
  • the multi stun one

is gamer

the true gamer build is

  • Disintegrate
  • Gem encrusted hardsuit
  • Guardian Deck
  • Time Stop
  • Jaunt

Or like a true based individual

  • Mutate
  • Repulse
  • Time Stop
  • Blink
  • Forcewall
  • Disable Technology

Probably done the above loadout or close variation 4 times, and been wizard with other loadouts a few more times, and then wizard apprentice or amateur magician (survivalist) a few more times on top of that.

Why not just swap the hardsuit for another guardian deck, more fun when the wizard round is a threesome

my gamer set allows me to escape to space whenever I please.

I jaunt into the station, kill someone with eith nath than jaunt back to space.

Barely anyone space walks or thinks to look there.
so its basically a guaranteed safe zone for a wizard

This is my favorite loadout, havenā€™t rolled wizard in ages unfortunately.

  • Charge
  • Wand belt
  • Instant Summons
  • Mjolnir
  • Jaunt
  • The Traps
  • Forcewall

Ok but you can jaunt to the other side of the station.

Also bruh, do you literally just spacewalk, ei nath, spacewalk and repeat

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yes, I killed all of sec, all heads, and all validhunters this way in a single round once.

Sometimes I mix it up, and use the time stop feature of shooting bullets to stack up an entire laser guns ammo into one person which will kill them instantly. itā€™s quite satisfying to watch, as they canā€™t do anything and must watch their inevitable demise wait for them.

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I remember getting mutate, tk, hulk and xray once as a wizard, I literally just ran around maint punching people to death through walls

I dont think you can ranged punch with hulk, xray and TK anymore but i might be wrong

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But why? That is hands down the lamest way to play wizard. Literally no interaction with the crew, just ā€œhaha now you go boomā€ with no counterplay


Fun is subjective


You actually enjoyed sitting in space and cheesing everything?

was the implication not enough for you?

Im just questioning your humanity

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ĀÆ \ _ (惄) _ / ĀÆ

Iā€™ve done some very questionable stuff with my 1400 hours with beestation, and this is the thing that raises your eye brows?

Favorite loadout: geting buckshotted and dying instantly


Yeah TK punching was removed, Mutate is still useful though for the laser spam/stamina immunity/hulk punches.

its for the best lol, I literally killed a 80 player server with minimal effort doing that

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Imagine not picking wands + charge spell

You get:

Wand of aheal
Wand of metagrudge (instant death)
Wand of machine gun fireballs
Wand of polymorph for transforming fully armored dudes into a drone
Wand of all access
Wand of teleportation (basically blink without unlimited uses)

daaaamn, thatā€™s fucking based

so is this lmao

the fact that there are just so, SO many different ideas of ā€œbestā€ wizard says that itā€™s a great antag, which makes me even sadder Iā€™ve never been.