Have more ERT and Death Squards in rounds

From what I’ve gathered, people should be less afraid to send messages to centcom so that admins can have a reason to send some kind of response

No real reason to be afraid of messaging centcom. As long as it isn’t like, a copypasta, the worst that could possibly happen is we just ignore it.

but the thing is that you guys always ignore it.
“SOME” admins which I won’t be naming here actually giggle in ghost chat and just make it as difficult as possible.
Crew being slaughtered? bridge taken over?
HOSTILES literally camping bridge?

Better send an announcement asking someone from command to RESPOND at bridge!

They actually managed to do that?

Better ask them a few more irrelevant questions in the same manner all while the station is being split in half.

5 people left alive on the whole station?
time to send an inspector !

yeah based on a real story

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Sending in an armed team of valid hunters is usually not the best thing to do.

I agree with this

Hence why I know that an ERT will never arrive to save us

Personally, I’ll send an ERT at least 50% of the time it’s requested. If it’s vs a few tots, usually no, but vs something like xenos/wiz then yeah I’ll send it. One exception is nukies, I personally will never send an ERT for nukies.

You’re right. Send more nukies and have them fight each other for the privilige of blowing us up.


lately, I’ve been requesting support from CC a lot, usually during xenos or blobs. The only time an admin answered, they said something like “Huuh, sounds rough, but I’m just an intern and my boss is on a lunch break…good luck…” while three fucking xenos were breaking into the bridge and killing the other survivor.
Truly, never changes admins.

You probably had just a moderator on, moderators aren’t allowed to send ERTs

When somebody asks for ERT, Pretend there’s a paperwork error and send a janitor or clown ERT instead

Just dodge the shots, or use girders, crates, bodies on wheelchairs, or pets to block them

Pulse rifles do not have any respect for walls, girders, crates, pets, and generally anything destroyable.
The pulse firemode is called ‘DESTROY’ for a reason.

Still good to ask, you’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen a situation bad enough to justify an ERT, but only if one is actually requested. You generally won’t see one unrequested unless things are very fucked, or if an inspector was involved.

Pretty much. Most people don’t even bother because they’ve done it before when no admins were on, or the admins at the time were busy and had nothing come of it.
Even if an ERT isn’t called for you’ll probably still get a response if we’re around.

Also keep in mind that mods can’t send ERTs.

Something that old admemes used to do was to send a classic ‘‘Hey we noticed most of your sensors show 80% of you dead, everything okay?’’ to at least encourage the heads, if the situations calls for it, to report what’s happening and giving them the excuse to send over an ERT to assist

Tho it also depends on the admin canon lore tbh because sometimes CC is watching everything all the time, and others 90% of the crew is dead and they don’t even bother to check in.

Obviously i think at the end of the day the call to send an ERT/jani squad/Deathsquad/inspectors/interns/wizard fighters/vine squad relies heavily on the admin paying attention to what’s going on with the round (which usually can’t be 100% guaranteed since they might focus on ahelps, monitoring suspicious players, etc) but of course, sending an Inspector first to get an ‘‘evaluation’’ so the admin knows what it’s happening is also worth it, i think what pisses people off is when they send an Inspector when… clearly the station needed something else

I’ve had rounds where i felt ‘‘damn we REALLY needed an ERT… we fought so much…’’ and others where i went ‘‘Poor Xenos/Blob/Etc, it was all good stuff, they managed to fight off X, Y and Z! they definetly deserved the win…’’

I personally enjoy seeing appearances of CC in any form, because it reminds the crew about their actual place, lore wise and i always felt i had potential for a lot of interesting gimmicks and RP situations

I agree with points made by other players and admins, ideally the ERT should not be sent over to go valid a single person or two UNLESS (in my opinion) they’re killing indiscriminately and doing a big show destroying NT property.

And if we’re talking about situation like Blobs, there should be like a notepad .txt showcasing some points that needs to be met in order to send over an ERT, stuff like

  • Is 85% of the crew or more dead?
  • Are all Head of Staff dead or reduced to a single one?
  • Is the treat something that the station’s crew REALLY tried to fight off?
  • Is the station damaged enough?

And stuff like that

It’s like some people said, the ERT’s are more interesting when they have specific objectives based on what’s currently happening on the shift, hell i even remember where we had engi ert’s to save a dead SM when there were zero engineers on the shift or they were dead

If an admin doesn’t feel like going for sending a full team of ERT to valid revs/xenos/etc they can at least make their objective to rescue Heads/survivors instead of going full ham on valids

IMO Deathsquad should be only sent on veeeery very specific circumstances, maybe some crazy dinameme +100 threat where everything’s gone bad or something based on a roleplay situation (a rogue captain against NT interests that fought off a ERT with the help of the station, etc)

And finally something that i would like to add is that back in the day, we used to have a lot more ERT’s or DS in general, i’m talking about pre golden/sage era and a little bit of the start of when we had the two servers, the playerbase was different, the admin team was different, murderbone was more spread, shit hit the fan almost every round and that was one way to end some rounds that were truly chaotic, nowadays i consider that we improved a lot on the playerbase and admin team, alongside having more stricter rules regarding RP, that’s why i think we barely see a good ol’ DS like ‘‘the old days’’, but yeah, that’s about it.

This still happens sometimes, I know I use this myself occasionally, not sure if any other admins do.

Same. It’s honestly a shame that these interactions happen so infrequently. Not really sure how you could get people to use the CC messaging function more though. A lot of this boils down to people just never messaging CC since they assume they’ll get ignored.

You can put bodies on swivel chairs, it wont delete the corpse, and you require immense aim to actually hit the swivel chair

That would be why I didn’t include corpses in the list of things it destroys.
I remember seeing miners use this against colossus, not sure if it still works as well as it used to but it was funny.

Winner receives DISKY.


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