Guilleco Chemist Permaban

CKEY: Guilleco

Admin’s CKEY: Screeeopia

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? LRP

Ban Type: Role (Chemist)

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2019-05-20 18:02:00

Round ID: Mistery

Ban Reason: Set off Chem Grenade on shuttle before arrival, Appeal on forums.

Appeal Reason: I want to play chemist and i think i’ve learnt my leason after all this time

Additional Information: have a good day.

From the interactions I’ve had with you so far, I don’t have any reason not to trust you with an unban.

Will wait for more opinions first though.

Im not that dumb to throw a hell fire chem nade in the shuttle before the round ends, (context: i threw the one that got me permabaned 10 seconds before the shuttle arrived to centcom so it ignited 5 seconds earlier) at least not anymore.

I’ll give a vouch in good faith and say that he’s a trustable character, based off the fact he became an admin for a time.

I’ll go ahead and clear the ban then