Gub Gub Gub Gub Gub Gub GUb GUb Gub Gub's MENTOR PLS

**Your CKEY:**Phobe Stall

**Your Discord:**A Shark named Bob#2068

**How long have you been playing ss13?:**About 6-7 months

**Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:**I wouldn’t say they would vouche for me no matter what but I know someone named P guy or something who is epic and would vouche for me also every Clown around can vouche for me and say I would be epic mentor :sunglasses:

**Game Experience (More Detailed):**I know basically all of Xenobio, Science, PRANKING, Traitor, Changeling, Command, Security, I know wiring and setting up basic engineer stuff but besides that I don’t play Engi but I play every other job. I also play Clown a lot so I would be able to awnser questions and Mhelps at a greater number because of the fact I just go around and prank people and do retarded shit like making rage cages and going around being clown is fun but it doesn’t feel like I’m doing anything so while I am playing clown I would like to help new players.

My playtime

Here is my playtimes and shit I have 135 hurs and like 24H as ghost
And I know I do not have the cleanest record but I want to change I want to start changing and helping players and stuff also 135 hours may not be a lot but I have played on other servers TG, Goon, Desert Rose, Fulp and all of those servers have the same or similar codebase now if you are with me gamers hit that #GubGubGubGubGubGubGubGubforMENTOR

Your supposed to actually give examples of what you know that you could use, to, yknow, help players. Do you know how to setup the SM? Do you know how to run RND?

Yes I know how to run RND the only thing that I am not good at are Nanites but those are barely used by new players, I know some piping but I do not know how to set up SM I am not good Engi but I am very good Science, Medical, Chemist, Geneticist, basically every civilian role and command role (except CE) and security. I also do Roboticist and I know how to play most antag roles and ghost roles.

Imagine not knowing nanites

It’s not that I couldn’t learn it it is just that I am busy helping people and researching stuff for Janitors and Miners and shit also I could prolly learn it but I don’t think that is what new players would jump to right away.

Currently banned.


Yes I am currently banned but my ban appeal has received mostly positive replies from Staff and Players including you

If it gets accepted I’ll change my response

-is massive shitposter
-mains clown…
I don’t count play hours. But this is one of the most retarded shit I’ve ever seen.
Give me a pic of your job playtime

Currently serving a 2 month ban.

T: -4

-1 because of ban and the rest that i posted here

I ERPed them in maint, super unrobust. Spends all their time on clown, no actual roles. Doesn’t understand a lot of basics.

I am an admin, yes.


Denied at -5. Feel free to apply again in future.