CKEY: boolsrealm
Admin’s CKEY: dallen9
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: both
Ban Type: server
Ban Length: 30 whole ass days
Ban Date: 2020-02-11 04:51
Round ID: 12406
Ban Reason: Self-Antag - Released 5 plasma cannisters in halls and R&D as non-antag. DC’d after giving non-serious reply to bwoink. Has a previous ban for plasmaflooding. Auth by Azlanon.
Appeal Reason: i am suffering from severe speccemen withdrawal, will die in 7 days if not unbanned, would also like to explain why i did what i did
Additional Information: ok gamers here what happened, the station was FUCKED, there were breaches fucking everywhere and, most importantly, there were slimes, i saw a few out in the hallway and even had an encounter with one that i managed to kill using the temperature gun. now, be me, a VERY AUTISTIC greytider, thinking im about to be the most robust lifeform alive. i think “the slimes are coming from R&D, how can i solve the slime pandemic?”. heres what i do, i break into toxins storage, and just fucking open every single plasma tank in there, moving them around research to spread it out. unfortunately, some of the plasma MAYBE ALLEGEDLY leaked out into the hallway. okay, yeah, there was some plasma in the halls. i lit in on fire with a lit welder regardless, thinking that i was doing a service by eradicating the slime menace. keep in mind, im sort of new, and the few previous encounters with slime ive had, my fragile body was mutilated by them, so at the time this was the best course of action considering the temperature gun takes a long ass time to kill a single slime. now, understandably, the admin saw this as a terrorist attack and bwoinked me, saying, “why did you do that?” or something along the lines. and i said “im gonna be honest, im kind of retarded”. now, this was not a non-serious reply, i genuinely felt like the fucking stupidest CRO-MAGNON to ever exist, i was fucking embarrassed due to how retarded it was, and i just disconnected because i cracked under the pressure, my face was HOT due to how embarrassed i was, i’ll never forget it. and like, it was 12:30 and i wanted to go to bed, not explain my autistic thinking process, because i just wanted to do it on here, you know what i mean? there was no intent to grief, i wasnt self antagging, i was just being a giant fucking retard. the note referred to in the ban is when i first started, too, any notes i have after that was not griefing, ask me about it i can tell you, just misjudgement like this one. i mean it’s LRP, mistakes like this happens sometimes. so like, can i be unbanned or atleast have it reduced to a week or something? thanks admemes