Monke can go in pipes, monke can WALK on tables like they are a regular tile. Gorilla can’t even climb on tables the regular way, he can’t switch to harm intent to hurt anything, only plus is a higher attack and health but if someone builds a fucking table or bolts/closes a single fucking door, even if the walls are glass you’re fucking screwed. It’s bullshit.
give gorillas a charge ability
remove jungle fever add zombie mode
i deadass might just make a PR for it myself bruh bruh
I saw robust gorillas kill everybody, to the point where an ERT was needed to take the gorilla down. And even then, majority of the ERT died.
not all gorillas are robust besides a charge or something along those lines is a good idea to buff da gorillas
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Can they not run if they go on 4paws and drop all the items in hand?
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