[Gordon Beeman] player report

In-game report:

   Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
   CKEY: Dulcis

   Your Discord: Dulcis

   Offender’s CKEY: i dont know sadly

   LRP or MRP server: LRP

   Offender’s In-Game Name: Gordon Beeman

   Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 05.10.2020

   Round Number: 15734

   Rules Broken: self antagging/validhunting(?)

   Incident Description:

I find a guy (Elliot Swarner) on a meat hook. Badly beaten up. I help him up, ask who put him there. He says HoP which i suspect of beeing antag. I take him off the hook and then
Gordon Beeman comes in with 2 laserguns in his hands and starts blasting. I run away, he chases us, stuns us and then proceeds to lethal me even when Elliot tells him Im not a bb.

He had every opportunity to not kill me and had every opportunity to heal me afterwards. Yet he cremated my body for some reason.

   Additional Information:

Admins where offline at that time.

He also stunlocked me for like a minute because i asked him for 100$.

Also, when confronted at dead (Elliot told him that i wasnt valid in any way) chat he says things like:

“DEAD: Gordon Beeman says, “tfw you punch a hole in your drywall and mommy doesent let you have tendies or any chinese cartoons for the rest of the day and takes away 5 goodboy points because meanie space man didnt let you self antag””
"DEAD: Gordon Beeman says, “all im hearing is hoes mad x24"”
"DEAD: Gordon Beeman says, “Gonna piss”
DEAD: Gordon Beeman asks, “maybe cum?”

The guy is just a massive dick and extremely unfun to play with. Even for LRP.

Also: I also spew some salt calling him idiot and pussy, but also asked for his side of the story. He just cried hoes mad and “Stay seething, child”.

Also: next round he created a character with the same name and race as me “Puppis IA” and was fucking around. Idk if he want to trick someone (or even admins) to trick them into thinking this was me so im just pointing that out.

Also: he deep fried all my stuff for jumping on kitchen table. Also chokehold me in bar

round ID: 15739, round time: ~22mins stunned me when I was next to kitchen. Dragged me into kitchen and stole all my stuff ID included.

he also started telling people im a antag

same round, beat me up with a sec officer for beeing infected

same round 38min dragged me into kitchen again. Stole my stuff again.

same round 52min, critted me

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ok this guy is salting, ima give my tl;'dr

-we capture blood bro (had a syndicate SM sabotage box)
-string em up on my meathook
-botnis retard comes and frees them and starts running away with them.
-at this time, the other BB was unknown. so naturally, this is the other blood bro
-gun them down like the dog they are
-they get upset and make a forum post about how i cant kill valids or defend my kitchen ((((NON LETHALLY MIGHT I ADD :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: ))))

Might I suggest you play on MRP if you don’t want people to kill valids and RP with them instead?


Oh and in the “He was beating me up for being infected”. They forgot to mention that they came and threatened to blow up my kitchen with a welder tank! lol!

retard dont know i’m allowed to yeet people out of my kitchen :flushed:


“or defend my kitchen”
Ah yes, me standing outside of your kitchen (not even on table), and you grabbing me into it and choking is defending your kitchen. Right.
“retard dont know i’m allowed to yeet people out of my kitchen” yea sure if you dont drag them into it first

I stand by this statement. Learn that other people have PoVs and maybe you wont be a NEET who is the main character of their own sad little story, and anyone who wrongs them is the bad guy >:(((((( grrrrr this is just like harry potter when voldemort said to harry that he is gay and watches chiense cartoons grrr…d rumpfs…

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I love the fact that you omitted all the antagonizing you did the me IC and make out like im just killing you for no reason lol


@Dulcis We have an edit button, please utilize it instead of making six additional posts in your own thread to tack one more line of information into your report.

I don’t have logs (or the functional brainpower to go through them at this moment) but I can say from skimming the report it sounds like you aided an antag and got slammed for doing so. If you’re going to render aid to someone, know that in nearly every case you’re doing one of the following:

  1. You’re helping an antag which makes you valid
  2. You’re helping someone who was fighting against an antag, making you the next target of said antag

In both cases, you’re likely going to be targetted for death. Valid-hunting is not against the rules on Golden and is one of the main draws of the server.

If what @anon67027506 is saying is true, you’re probably going to cast yourself in a pretty negative light for future reports as well. Selectively omitting your own actions in a scenario to maliciously paint a worse picture of someone else isn’t cool. Before someone gets to the logs it would be good to fess up to anything you may have done to antagonize the other player in both rounds.


Sadly it is not true. The actual thing that happened is i grabbed a welder tank and he was saying things like “i dare you explode it” which I had no intentions of doing.

Meanwhile he grabbed me several times into his kitchen. Used cbq to stun me (and even critting me one time) and stole and deep fried my job nessesities ID included. This report is now more about him metagrudging af and fucking peoples rounds for no reason.

First round on report:

You helped confirmed blood brother down and got valid-killed over doing so. Then you took too Ick ock salt over it. Again, helping antags does make you valid and valid-hunting is not against the rules, so the initial report here is closed and rejected.

Salty OOC and later dead chat

[2020-05-10 09:26:00.082] OOC: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) “that doesnt make me fucking valid you pussy” (Hydroponics (132, 111, 2))
[2020-05-10 09:26:13.988] OOC: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) “you had every opportunity to cuff me and idk ask me?” (Hydroponics (132, 111, 2))
[2020-05-10 09:26:18.766] OOC: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) “you fucking imbecile” (Hydroponics (132, 111, 2))

[2020-05-10 09:39:10.007] SAY: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) (DEAD) “why u validhunt u pussy ass idiot” (Supermatter Engine (164, 153, 2))
[2020-05-10 09:39:14.399] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) (DEAD) “uh oh” (Lavaland Wastes (141, 77, 5))
[2020-05-10 09:39:15.773] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) (DEAD) “kiddies mad” (Lavaland Wastes (141, 77, 5))
[2020-05-10 09:39:28.908] SAY: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) (DEAD) “nah im just writing a player report so i wanna know your side of story” (Engineering (162, 153, 2))
[2020-05-10 09:39:32.868] SAY: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) (DEAD) “i wasnt valid in any way” (Engineering (162, 153, 2))
[2020-05-10 09:39:42.087] SAY: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) (DEAD) “and you had every opportunity to not kill me” (Supermatter Engine (166, 153, 2))
[2020-05-10 09:39:47.681] SAY: Dulcis/(Puppis IA) (DEAD) “and even bb told you” (Engineering (161, 153, 2))

Second round on report

First and second instances of entering the kitchen

[2020-05-10 12:36:03.997] ATTACK: Dulcis/(Mario Prada) has climbed onto [reinforced table] (Kitchen (134, 123, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:05.253] ATTACK: [Serving Hatch] has crushed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 87.5) (Kitchen (134, 123, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:06.277] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 87.5) (Kitchen (134, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:06.277] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 87.5) (Kitchen (134, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:10.581] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has restrained (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 87.5) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:12.388] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has disarmed (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 83.8) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:12.388] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has knocked out (Chokehold)(CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 83.8) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:15.387] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has sprayed [floor] with the space cleaner which had /datum/reagent/consumable/cooking_oil (96u) (Kitchen (135, 120, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:22.195] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the white gloves off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 91.7) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:22.845] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the magician’s cape off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 92.3) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:25.113] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has disarmed (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:25.115] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 89.4) (Kitchen (135, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:26.817] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has pressured (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 90.7) (Kitchen (134, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:29.026] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 92.6) (Kitchen (132, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:29.026] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 92.6) (Kitchen (132, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:36:31.473] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has thrown Dulcis/(Mario Prada) grab from tile in Kitchen (132, 122, 2) towards tile at Bar (131, 125, 2) (NEWHP: 94.6) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))

[2020-05-10 12:47:33.752] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 95) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:33.752] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 95) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:34.827] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has restrained (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 95) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:36.475] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has disarmed (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 91.3) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:36.475] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has knocked out (Chokehold)(CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 91.3) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:38.431] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has pressured (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 92.9) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:39.231] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has attempted to strangle Dulcis/(Mario Prada) kill grab (NEWHP: 93.7) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:42.211] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has strangled Dulcis/(Mario Prada) kill grab (NEWHP: 96.3) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:47:42.214] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 96.3) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:48:00.524] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped PDA-Mario Prada (Stage Magician) off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:48:01.575] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the cable restraints off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:48:02.825] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the backpack off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:48:08.680] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the radio headset off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 94) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:48:11.568] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 97) (Kitchen (132, 121, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:48:13.935] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has thrown Dulcis/(Mario Prada) grab from tile in Kitchen (133, 121, 2) towards tile at Bar (132, 125, 2) (NEWHP: 99.4) (Kitchen (133, 121, 2))

There was a lot of name-calling and provocation on your end, but nothing in the way of a welder tank by this point. Also keep in mind the third time you return to the kitchen you can be lethally killed per normal escalation. It was made very clear that your presence was unwanted.

"Stunned until arrest because of a virus

[2020-05-10 12:53:37.304] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 92) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:38.134] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has kicks Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 92) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:38.135] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 92) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:42.525] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:43.495] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:44.528] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has kicks Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:44.529] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:45.799] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:46.757] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:49.996] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:51.241] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has kicks Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with onto their side (paralyzing) (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:51.242] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:53.044] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:00.851] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 82) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:02.170] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 77) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:03.119] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 72) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:04.009] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 67) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:04.904] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 63.3) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:05.708] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 58.3) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:06.474] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 53.3) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:07.441] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 48.3) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:08.377] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 34.3) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:09.207] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 30.5) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:10.009] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 26.8) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:10.800] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 21.8) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:11.902] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has shoved Dulcis/(Mario Prada) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 16.8) (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))

Unsure what was doing damage to you here, but I’d wager it might have been the horrific virus you had progressing. You were harm-baton hit here once by a different player, but you never did enter crit. When you got to the brig you were still upright and speaking.

[2020-05-10 12:53:25.362] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “you got a virus” (Fore Primary Hallway (108, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:26.399] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “my dude” (Fore Primary Hallway (108, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:41.629] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “ow” (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:45.632] SAY: Dulcis/(Mario Prada) “sec” (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 160, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:49.297] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “INFECTED” (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:50.054] SAY: Dulcis/(Mario Prada) “help me” (Fore Primary Hallway (110, 160, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:55.865] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “HES GOT A VIRUS” (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:53:57.994] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “ORANGE” (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 159, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:09.042] SAY: Dulcis/(Mario Prada) “sec help me please” (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 160, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:12.399] SAY: Dulcis/(Mario Prada) “they are killing me” (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 160, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:15.290] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “take him to brig” (Fore Primary Hallway (109, 158, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:17.522] SAY: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) “brig med” (Fore Primary Hallway (106, 150, 2))
[2020-05-10 12:54:33.854] SAY: Dulcis/(Mario Prada) “ya good?” (Brig (98, 172, 2))

Third time in kitchen and the point at which Arrfur could legitimately kill you, but still chose not to

[2020-05-10 13:04:08.321] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:08.322] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:09.426] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has restrained (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:10.478] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has attempted to neck grab Dulcis/(Mario Prada) neck grab (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:13.440] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) neck grab (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:13.443] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:15.500] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:16.597] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has restrained (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 98) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:19.037] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has disarmed (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 93) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:19.037] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has knocked out (Chokehold)(CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 93) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:20.779] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has pressured (CQC) Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 95.4) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:21.636] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has attempted to strangle Dulcis/(Mario Prada) kill grab (NEWHP: 96.6) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:24.626] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has strangled Dulcis/(Mario Prada) kill grab (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:24.629] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) aggressively (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (132, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:37.254] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the medical radio headset off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:37.554] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the laceup shoes off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:38.134] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has stripped the handcuffs off Dulcis/(Mario Prada) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:43.232] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has grabbed Dulcis/(Mario Prada) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))
[2020-05-10 13:04:44.283] ATTACK: Arrfur/(Gordon Beeman) has thrown Dulcis/(Mario Prada) grab from tile in Kitchen (131, 122, 2) towards tile at Bar (131, 126, 2) (NEWHP: 100) (Kitchen (131, 122, 2))

The only thing Arrfur did incorrectly was one tick of strangle damage before you were valid as far as I can see. You were following him around for almost the entire round, acting sus as fuck and kept toeing into the kitchen. You were never grabbed/attacked from anywhere that wasn't part of the kitchen by him.

Can’t prove/disprove the welder bomb situation, but this entire report is just a pile of salt because you’re upset.

Both round reports rejected

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