In-game report:
Title: [Offender’s CKEY] Player Report
CKEY: Dulcis
Your Discord: Dulcis
Offender’s CKEY: i dont know sadly
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Gordon Beeman
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 05.10.2020
Round Number: 15734
Rules Broken: self antagging/validhunting(?)
Incident Description:
I find a guy (Elliot Swarner) on a meat hook. Badly beaten up. I help him up, ask who put him there. He says HoP which i suspect of beeing antag. I take him off the hook and then
Gordon Beeman comes in with 2 laserguns in his hands and starts blasting. I run away, he chases us, stuns us and then proceeds to lethal me even when Elliot tells him Im not a bb.
He had every opportunity to not kill me and had every opportunity to heal me afterwards. Yet he cremated my body for some reason.
Additional Information:
Admins where offline at that time.
He also stunlocked me for like a minute because i asked him for 100$.
Also, when confronted at dead (Elliot told him that i wasnt valid in any way) chat he says things like:
“DEAD: Gordon Beeman says, “tfw you punch a hole in your drywall and mommy doesent let you have tendies or any chinese cartoons for the rest of the day and takes away 5 goodboy points because meanie space man didnt let you self antag””
"DEAD: Gordon Beeman says, “all im hearing is hoes mad x24"”
"DEAD: Gordon Beeman says, “Gonna piss”
DEAD: Gordon Beeman asks, “maybe cum?”
The guy is just a massive dick and extremely unfun to play with. Even for LRP.
Also: I also spew some salt calling him idiot and pussy, but also asked for his side of the story. He just cried hoes mad and “Stay seething, child”.
Also: next round he created a character with the same name and race as me “Puppis IA” and was fucking around. Idk if he want to trick someone (or even admins) to trick them into thinking this was me so im just pointing that out.
Also: he deep fried all my stuff for jumping on kitchen table. Also chokehold me in bar
round ID: 15739, round time: ~22mins stunned me when I was next to kitchen. Dragged me into kitchen and stole all my stuff ID included.
he also started telling people im a antag
same round, beat me up with a sec officer for beeing infected
same round 38min dragged me into kitchen again. Stole my stuff again.
same round 52min, critted me