Give crew a way to deal with maintenance floor cluwne please

Floor cluwnes are invisible entities that cannot be harmed or killed, until they appear momentarily in order to grab somebody and gib them, which is the only, and intended, time for them to be killed.

However, maintenance floor cluwnes are set to never try to kill anybody. Ergo, it never enters a stage where it can be stopped, and stays haunting crew infinitely for the entire round.

As it stands now it permanently cripples somebody’s round, at least until they die, at which point it moves on to permanently cripple somebody else’s round, and the crew can do nothing about it.

It’s worse than if you hit a maintenance trap that just round removed you instead. Floor cluwnes ensure somebody within the round is having their round actively ruined, and stays that way for the entire shift.

I really think there should be a way to deal with them, because it is immensely disruptive.


go to sm and wait till it hits sm


Perhaps make it interact with chaplain’s bible or holy water somehow?


How to deal with floor cluwnes.

in 4 words - take a Space walk.

In depth : Floor cluwnes opperate purely within the floor, it doesn’t matter what type of floor, it’s just the floor, from tile less floors of maint to reinforced floors, thusly they cannot harm or mess with you if you’re over a space tile. No floor, no floor Cluwne. Now I can’t say for how long you need to be out there for, but pack a fire extinguisher and maybe take half lap around the station, by the time you step back in through the Airlock back onto the floor the Cluwne will have moved on to another target.

the other method I know of is to go to chappel and pray to/appease the gods.
that cluwne went in following then got ye ol’ DEVINE SMITING! which kills the damned thing.
I’m not sure on the specifics but I know it has something to do with the chappel and smiting.

And it’s still in the round ruining somebody else’s shift, which is a problem.

I was in a round with a maintenance floor cluwne. I threw myself into space. It immediately moved on to ensure the Xenobiologist was no longer able to do their job.

If it despawned on harassing somebody to death, that would be different. But as it stands now it is a permanent addition to the round that will always be cippling somebody’s shift.


I say giving chapel a passive floor cluwne smite effect would be good, sure someone has to wait in the chappel for that blasted thing to meet god but that isn’t the worst thing.


The Floor cluwne they talk about, it’s the one ‘‘curse maint’’ one yes, but space walk doesn’t exactly work, see below

I’ve experienced it and i can say:

  • Even if you defloor all tiles, he still appears for 0.1 seconds, which means you can’t hit him, i remember standing for more than half an hour on a de-floored depatures with security with shotguns and we never hit it
  • Sometimes you can stand near the SM for legit 20 minutes and it won’t die.
  • I Haven’t tried going out an airlock and just vibe there on space and see if he dies.
  • What works to remove the curse is going to another z-level, like you go to lavaland, do two steps and go back HOWEVER the curse will be placed to a random crewmember, i remember one time i made myself rich by charging people to go to lavaland to get rid of the curse

It’s a 70/30 event in which 70 is annoying and 30 ‘‘funny’’, we should have a legit method to kill it that doesn’t make the cursed player have to stand on the SM for 20 irl minutes or back and forth trips.


We used to have a way to get rid of the cluwne, we used to have a special cluwne rune room in maint (which also spawned it) and i believe it purged the cluwne if certain requirements were met, i think a Clown had to be there alongside the cursed person and some other people, but we got rid of that rune-room for some reason so now we’re left with the random annoying cluwne from certain maint rooms, at the very least the rune-room allowed Clown and others to do some roleplay, that’s 100% better than watching a video on youtube next to SM until a clown mask appears marking the cluwne death

TL;DR Bring back cluwne rune room so we can get rid of it and have some RP on top of that instead of the other detrimental ways

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The clown rune was used to summon a lethal floorcluwne and required a cult clown and several participants to do the ritual.

I did this in the round that prompted me to make this thread. I chucked myself out of an airlock fully into space.

The cluwne did not care, and just warped to another crewmember to harass them instead.

At this point I think it’s literally impossible to remove a maintenance floor cluwne from a round once it’s been spawned.

*without admin SMITING being involved.

Yea I also really hate maintenance cluwnes. I got my traitor round destroyed after entering maintenance for the first time that round.

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Hm, i don’t remember being it lethal, but it did at least more hostile actions compared to the ‘‘fake maint one’’ a.k.a it could pull your legs and such, i don’t particullary recall if it was truly lethal as in it killed the affected player

I don’t think it required a cult clown, just a clown and a few crew members, however doing it again could get rid of it if the affected player was on the rune(though i remember an admin was also helping around guiding me on how to activate it and get rid of it)

In any case, we could use that same format of cluwne rune to get rid of it, though that would require the need of two maint rooms, the random clown-related-loot maint room that has a chance to curse you and the room with the rune. Unsure how easy it is to code the % of those maint room spawning, maybe we could remove all cluwne and only leave it as a chance when you enter the clown rune room

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