Github changes people should know about

I want people to post issues and pulls that the player base and community should be made aware about. Make sure to make your github account and leave your feedback! I’ll be ensuring the survival of this thread through 5 day updates with a list of pulls and issues that I think are interesting that people should leave feedback and input on.


You want people to actually know about the stealth merges coders do all the time? you gonna start a war like that


Plumbing was the latest victim.

This thread is made because I browse things every once and awhile and personally I can’t believe that this pull got made

It’s a needless change that barely has any practical need to have happened in the first place, but yet got approved anyway. This might seem petty because I’ve personally commented on it but still, the reason that

Xenobio shouldnt be able to walk into the bar with a bag of silver extracts and render the chef and bartender completely useless with a bit of plasma.

The chef and bartender aren’t rendered useless, most of the ingredients and produce introduced still needs to be actually made into a meal or drinks. With the logic of overstating the usage of silver slimes, you should also be removing venders because they also render both jobs useless because why bother going up to the kitchen when you can go to the snack vender. The biggest thing I used silver slimes for as a bartender is for Gazzam, which requires peaches to make but I’ve only found two cans of peaches in over a thousand hours of playing. All Gazzam does is when you’re drunk enough it teleports you in a short range (almost in circles) and causes you to puke pink, still fun to give to people who like getting drunk and then seeing them teleport around the bar.

Another point is

roburger nanomachines shouldnt be obtainable in reagent form, gatfruit can majorly throw off round balance if given to botany

I’ll admit I didn’t really even know about the roburger nanomachines until seeing this pull, but the process of growing gatfruit relies on multiple things in order to happen. Gatfruit was a rare find in silver slimes, takes a botanist to not be lazy and grow it, and no matter what it takes like 20-30 minutes to grow. It’s far more common for miners to steal gatfruit seeds from living terrariums than it is to have gotten them from silver slimes, which again requires the miners to have find that shuttle and for the seed to have spawned. Which even that itself is easy to fix, put up a secure safe with the seeds inside of it or just have pod people spawn and a plant bag and have the seeds inside the bag (each pod person has randomized seeds).

But nope, one person see’s this as an issue and decides to completely gut a mechanic. Still can’t believed it got passed with the feedback it got and the valid points made.


People shouldn’t have to worry about stealth merges, it’s just sometimes ridiculous that the things put up for player input are things for sprite changes of all things instead of changes that remove features or mechanics.

Though I am going to try to make this thread both about highlights of things to look forward to as well as iffy judgements with changing things.

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silver extracts rarely throw out gatfruit or roburgers. On top of that, the frequency that I see chefs make absolutely no food over the course of an entire round, partly because botany refuses to make ingredients for them, is enough case for a xenobiologist to go over and spam some silvers for the good of the station.


This is fairly true. While I would say its probably about 50/50, a bunch of the items produced are not completed food items. Not to mention some of the food items being inedible, like straight up poison berrys, or cake with an energy dagger in it.

I personally don’t think xenobio needs nerfs, but this is just a really weird aspect to nerf.


Its Zeskorion. Nearly all their PRs on the past few months have been either xenobiology nerfs or propping up their pet project Virology.

I’ll put my personal input on what I think up here, overall I like these changes. Been looking forward to Rukos changes for awhile and happy to be reading on their progress! One hot take I’ll add though is that the ultimate thing to slow down people just killing megafuana and never getting ores, is to remove the crusher kit completely and lock it behind in the vender (but that probably isn’t going to happen anytime soon.

I really love the upload overhaul, mostly like the posi-brain limitations, fully agree with limited people suiciding or cryoing from taking up ghost roles (though I still see people getting around this by hanging themselves in maintance), I love the rework idea for lawyers (needs some further tweaking though), and last thing to note is I don’t personally like removing the airborne transmission or the gondolapocket removal. I think gondolapockets should be moved over to being a low chance of being in the donkpocket crate, though the pull does have some valid points but gondola virus should be addressed instead of just the pockets.

Airborne transmission I upright think is stupid to remove, it’s a IRL mode of transmission and I think instead that medbay should be able to call different codes in responses to diseases, all it takes is inserting infected blood into the CMO announcement system and it’ll warn people everything about the disease, including what mode of transmission it has. Additionally, people’s internal boxes should be equipped with sterile masks and maybe even some kind of glove to help prevent touch based transmission.

10 May 2021 Things of note


This PR scares me


They can produce holy water flasks.

Also a lesser known fact about roburgers is that there are actually two types, the regular roburger and the massive roburger. Grinding a massive roburger gave you somewhere around 70u of nanomachines, which was enough to borg the entire station, especially when combined with virus food for near instant transformations.

You could also easily mass-produce food to the point that getting several roburgers was practically inevitable, although obtaining gatfruit was still rather unreliable.

Fair point about roboburgers, then I would’ve been fine with those removed. But that doesn’t justify making a slime extract almost functionally dead.

It scares me and i’m a QM main


The point I made against it is that a borg can be cloned, so you have
A chemical that can be obtained rarely that temporarily removes your carbon-ness but still leaves you able to do most things depending on module, with the ability to return to human later.
A chemical that can be obtained very consistently that deletes your brain and turns you into a slime with a rarer cure than the previous one, leaving you completely unable to play the game, rendering you near enough unrevivable, and letting them stuff you in a slime processer and permenantly roundremove you.


Yeah the only nerf advanced mutation toxin has gotten was only allowing to produce grey slimes, so now it exists purely as near-guaranteed round removing weapon. Let’s also not forget that advanced mutation toxin has the rarest cure when compared to nanomachines or tranquility, frost oil.

All three of the transforming chems I mentioned above result in a “I have no mouth but I must scream” scenario, even nanomachines. When you become a borg through nanomachines, you’re automatically given crewsimov, and law three prevents you from just going to robotics and having your brain yanked out of your shell, otherwise you risk getting bwoinked.

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Looking forward for a lot of them tbh, there’s so many QoL and new stuff that would be nice, i think this thread is nice to comment and give some feedback (if the issuer checks forums) since not everybody uses GH to comment (and there’s a tendency on some people that don’t even play bee anymore to shut down anything lmao)

“Stealth merges”

It’s a motherfucking public repository AND there’s even an automated channel on the Discord that reposts every single action.


I wonder if you set up a tape recorder to law 2 your future self to go get cloned would that work?

Per Ike:

PR Votes are non-binding. Codeowners are allowed to unilateraly change things. Cope.

Also this thread kinda reads like an attempt to stir up shit outside of github, which if you want to voice your opinions on changes, is basically useless since that’s not in direct sight of contributors on GH.


from everything I’ve seen, it doesnt matter even then. Coders will change whatever they want to change regardless of playerbase opinions.


They’re still more likely to see it and address your concerns rather than making changes that leave you asking questions.