Friendly Wizards

Creating this thread in response to a round I recently administrated which had a friendly wizard who wanted to work with the crew to complete their objectives (the crew also being willing to assist).

Per our rules, 4.2 there are no friendly antags.

  1. Willfully assisting known antagonists is self-antag. Your loyalty is to Nanotrasen, your co-workers, and the station. There are no friendly antagonists.

However, players in the round voiced interest in wizards being allowed to do whatever they want. So, here I am making a thread to gather feedback.

Do you think wizards should be allowed to be friendly with the crew?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but only on Sage.
  • No
0 voters
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Wizards do not exist so they can buddy buddy with the crew, they are sent to wreck havoc.
Not only is this breaking RP, but it’s just ruining a round because someone wanted to feel a lil special.


The following are my opinions as a player, not as a head admin

Friendly antagonists should always be subject to admin intervention when they try to buddy up with the station in a serious sense (not just tricking or otherwise). Rounds do not flow correctly when antagonists join the station and help them out, especially in the event of rounds with multiple types of antagonists. It leads to a huge IC disconnect when one shift we have everyone buddying up with a major enemy to Nanotrasen.

We have greenshifts for the players that wish to simply chill without the presence of a threat and if the majority of our players prefers chill shifts, the occurrence chance for this should be increased.


I don’t think my previous poll did both sides of the argument justice, so I’ve removed it and re-created a new one.

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Am I the reason for this vote by any chance?

Were you the friendly wizard? If so, yes. If no, no.

I was friendly until I stole a phazon and tried to kill crew about 4 days ago

Then no, you’re not the reason this was created. That sounds like manipulating the crew more than actively seeking to be part of it

Alright good to know, also for the Yes, but only on Sage, I think it should be changed to Yes, but only on Golden

It’s too late to change it now. But I think this is more suited for the argument. If we were to make wizards friendly for Golden, they’d be allowed to be friendly on Sage too.

Alright , I still dont think there should be friendly wizards

The objectives are conflicting with the rules. The first wizard had two objectives; Steal plasma, and escape. Since wizards can just teleport and go wherever they please, there’s no reason for them to have to create conflict or antagonize in order to complete their objective.

yeah, I think they should have more objectives, ones where you have to cause conflict

True, but I also don’t think that the station should be so lackadaisical when it comes to wizards. It seems like crew are more than willing to let wizards exist and only act when over half the station is in flames. The conflict would realistically come from the wizard existing on the station, not just from the objectives.

To clarify: I don’t believe the crew should have a “wait and see” attitude when it comes to one of the deadliest enemies of the corporation.

Yeah, I think crew should go against wizard the second they are aware of their exsistance

If you are a wizard with a non-bone objective, there is still a lot of play within that. Obtaining the plasma and making it off the station alive should still be a fairly decent risk.

The wizard in the round leading to this poll, originally wanted to obtain a crew ID from the hop so they could trade with the station. After being reminded that they can’t join the crew as an antag, they ported into atmospherics and kindly asked the atmos tech for some plasma, who gladly obliged. That doesn’t make any sense within the context of that universe, and it removes a lot of the interesting play that comes with having a wizard.

I by no means think that wizards should be entirely relegated to murder. There’s a lot of potential for fun and interesting stealth, manipulation, and gorilla play that can also be had. Especially for the less lethal objectives.

when I was wizard, I tried to be friendly, until centcom got onto me, then I stole someone’s Phazon and tried to destroy the station. I dont think there should be anything such as a friendly wizard.

I was a friendly wizard since it was low pop to me, and did not seem right to murderbone everyone


wish more people on golden would be like this, everybody vibing, but they would just be like “where’s the blood? why aren’t there any antags, call the fucking shuttle, i’m boooooooooooooored” or everybody just starts self antaging

conditional no vote so long as it means wizards can still deceive the crew w/ friendliness without getting their round shut down by an overzealous admin acting out 10min in