Francinum Admin Report: We're just Unsalvageable Neanderthals

In-game misconduct:

Title: Francinum Admin

Offender’s CKEY: Francinum

LRP or MRP server: MRP (Sage)

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 11-16-2020

Round Number: 24038

Rules Broken (if relevant): 3. Be Excellent to Each Other

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Maintain a decent standard of professionalism when operating within the community. Insulting, harassing, or intentionally offending anyone in our community is not tolerated.

Incident Description:

Calling the player base “unsalvageable neanderthals”

cropped and edited version:



Additional Information:

I get being upset. I get upset by people behaving poorly, too… however, this isn’t the conduct I expect from someone who has any amount of power.

I apologize for the rather harsh language employed here. I can’t exactly excuse my behavior here considering how I’ve handled similar issues in the past.

The comments are not directed at any player in general.

They are directed at members of the playerbase who have a style of playing on Sage that is incompatible with both the spirit of the server and the rules.

The major incidents of this round were a clown taking refuge in the brig being
searched, and when it was discovered that they had a poppy in their backpack, it was used as an excuse to strip search them.

They were then summarily executed for being a heretic, the metaknowledge that only a heretic would have a poppy on them being the basis to search them more thoroughly. That’s not really fun for anyone.

The other incidents of the round were a player baiting another player into attacking them so the first player could kill them. Ah yes, killbaiting, truly MRP behavior.

Given that this was a rant about the behavior of players in general, and targeted no specific player, this is not actionable as a report.

However, @Francinum will be cautioned about their language in round for the future.

That clown was me, bloons3.

I wasn’t executed, I suicided because when Ashlie Johnson puts someone in perma he is ultra cunty about it and thwarts every possible attempt to escape. It’s pointless to attempt.

this is just petty tbh, why cant admins vent out a little bit ?
maybe if mrp and lrp didnt actively shit on admemes …

an admin report for venting in deadchat, not even targeting a specific player.

that’s why most of our admins never interact with normal players outside of the game itself and tickets. shitters like you only want to cause problems and play victim when the situation needs it. francium is right


Wow, what a petty admin report.

Admins are people too, and they are allowed to complain.

And you know what, @Francinum wasn’t wrong to vent, this was on Sage and what he says is pretty valid tbh

Imagine getting offended by that, then imagine actually making a admin report about it.

Necro post as it closes in a day:

While I do admit Francinum was wrong to employ such harsh language about it, he does have a valid point about the current state of affairs, however as stated before he did not, actually, target anybody in particular, and dead chat is usually ‘salt by default’, after all everyone in there is essentially out of the round, bar some midrounds or a very bored xenobiologist. Or if someone lucked out with golems, I never see them anymore. Point being, it was just general salt and no harm was really intended in the message.

If players could be held accountable for what was said in deadchat under the “Be Excellent to Each Other” rule, we wouldn’t have half of the playerbase we have today. Deadchat is saltchat, it’s always been, just as OOC becomes a giant salt pile at the end of any rowdy round.

I get that admins are supposed to be held to higher standards than regular players since they have responsabilities and shit, but this just feels like the pettiest report i’ve read on this forum, staff or otherwise.

It doesn’t help that Francinum has a point, even if the language used was a bit harsh under the influence of the sodium in his veins.

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this is like reporting someone for calling the discord toxic and full of furries in the-salt-mines :moyai:

“he mean ban he”

typical hugboxer salting that a jannie had the courage to call the mrp community full of shitters (which it is)


don’t use admin dchat for salting in deadchat kids