Francinum admin report by Nik735

In-game misconduct:

Title: francinum Admin report

CKEY: nik735

Your Discord:Nik#4867

Offender’s CKEY:  francium

LRP or MRP server: mrp

Offender’s In-Game Name (if relevant): /

Date (MM-DD-YYYY):dec 28th 2020

Round Number:cant find either my chat log didnt go back far enough sorry

Rules Broken (if relevant): dont adminbus, rule 2 etc.  

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant): Maintain a decent standard of professionalism when operating within the community. Insulting, harassing, or intentionally targeting anyone in our community is not tolerated.

The incident with francium: spawns in a 357 that I logically assume is a clown revolver but didnt know, they spawned it in because I sacrificed a pine tree to a singlo toy that the chap was praying to or something (I purposely wasnt praying because I wanted to live) they, later on, do the voice in your head thing and say I should use the revolver, I try to play Russian roulette with chap but it just instantly shoots me, franc then makes an explosion on top of me for no reason which almost kills me. They clearly wanted to kill me and remove me from the round for no reason. during this round it was a ling round iirc and I was a scientist if that helps with logs.

Additional Information: I made this after my comments were deleted off other posts mentioning this and I was told to make a report.

Round ID: 25525

ADMIN: SubtlePM: Francinum/(Nicholas Hanford) → Nik735/(Billy Mungus) : God gave you a gun to use it.

Prayer makes you valid to adminbus. Prayer spam makes adminbus pretty likely. Only problem I’m seeing here is the prayer spam came from someone else, and then you took the “reward” given by lord Singuloth. You were either part of the singulo-cult, or got served for stealing a reward intended for them so I still feel like this is IC.

Gods are not always kind.

I picked it up because the room got spaced and I tried to bring it back to chap to which I played Russian roulette with him when they blew me up unprovoked, I also picked it up a good 15 seconds after it was sitting there

you are missing the random explosion on top of me

The explosion wasn’t meant to kill you, it was meant to cover up me deleting the revolver as it’s joke had been made.

If I wanted it to kill you, it wouldn’t have been majority fire.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Bloons admin report by Nik 735

still not based to do a dev 2 explosion on top of me and not heal me or anything especially if I didnt pray

Please hold as the explosion I made is pulled up, I don’t believe it was dev 2 or had much physical damage et al.

it was pretty big lol it hurt the chaos carp across the room, plus why not spawn metal gibs like you did prior???

I think I set the flame range a little high.

Except for the fire, this is the weakest an explosion can be while still actually exploding.

I think any rage on a person who didnt pray isnt very good

I’m splitting this into two threads before this gets any more confusing than necessary.

Temporarily locking while I do.

This thread is now for Francinum’s side of the report.

Logs can’t really verify how precisely you obtained the gun, so I gotta sit neutral on this. I want admins to be able to influence rounds and make things interesting. A cursed god-given gun fits in with that pretty well.

I’ll change my stance from IC to neutral though. Given full context I’m not sure this warrants a reprimand even if you weren’t a part of the cult, but it is worth bringing up for discussion at the least. Do you want a server where admins aren’t free to try and make things interesting with quirky (and sometimes dangerous) items? Should the chaplain angering god via prayer only apply to the chaplain and in no way affect the round as a whole? That seems a lot more stale and boring to me overall.

I feel a bit eeeeeh about the SM encouraging the gun’s use on someone who had no involvement if that’s the case, but nothing can prove this one way or the other

and I get that but dont randomly explode me to half health unwarranted, if I pray then sure, if I didn’t then maybe don’t

As already stated…

For reference, here’s the explosion size of an IED.

(-1, -1, 2, 4)
Compared with the one I issued
(-1, -1, 1, 4)

My explosion was weaker than an IED. It was not intended to kill or even grievously injure you.

a ied will still kill you tho so