For a Better Command --- Suggestions

Unironically I think people listen to me less as RD than as Roboticist.

“Hey guys! We got a very serious situation to address. People bring booze and food!”
Food might be a good idea if there is a cook as I personally feel way too busy all the time to be able to take the detour to the kitchen, especially on Delta when it is across the entire station.

Had an AI explain Command to me after I already did most of the things they asked of me such as securing nuke disk, spare ID and assigning acting heads. However, I’ve also have heads who hasn’t touched the nuke disk AT ALL throughout the entire shift. Several Command players in fact.


I really, really like this. But typing takes a lot of time. Time you could spend doing your job. Reporting it with your actual voice would be ideal but we are limited by the game itself here. I’d love to see a voice-to-text implementation and perhaps even a text-to-voice implementation with some fancy AI stuff. But atlas… you’re better off reporting more significant milestones. Over common of course as everyone needs to be informed…

I like this discussion topic. Sorry if I wrote a bit too much.