Firelocks and magic

please for the love of GOD make it so that firelocks don’t magically clamp down when they:
A. don’t have power
B. the area they’re in doesn’t have an air or fire alarm going (such as when the alarm thresholds are changed)

i want to be able to emergency-vent areas like a delamming supermatter without these magical goddamned firelocks somehow blocking all airflow even when i’m furiously opening them with perfect coordination, manipulating air alarms so nothing is detected as wrong, depowering environment power on APC’s, etc etc etc.

if they’re making it remarkably difficult for you to flood an area with bad gasses or make an area devoid of gas, it sounds like they’re working as intended. Use an RCD to emergency vent the SM via destroying a floor tile.

Fastmos + easy to disable safeties = you’re gonna have a much worse time in all other scenarios.

I play AI. Sometimes, engineering fucks the supermatter so hard that I need to perform an emergency vent, but no matter which of the MANY measures I take, these magical firelocks somehow have internal generators and perfect timers. I don’t see how it makes sense to have firelocks that somehow still work even when the power in the area is completely disabled, there are no air alarms going off, no fire alarms, so on and so forth.


only way I’ve found around it is turning off the environment in the apc

and when you’re a malf ai and if you buy the program that turns off firelock safties they still activate if an area is depressurized basically making it useless

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holy shit they what??

edit: wow that’s fucking shit

i mean they still don’t turn on if there’s a fire going on which means it works but the moment it burns through the floor all the firelocks nearby activate cucking your plasmaflood

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also to add to the discussion, I was earlier as AI trying to vent an area someone busted open a trit room on (long story) and couldn’t because even just one airlock will instantly close the exact same tick it’s fully open

I tried that, still doesn’t work half the time.

and how the firelocks still take up a full fucking tile when they get destroyed

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literally had to vent each room in succession towards the airlock which didn’t even work that well because of the insane pressures involved with fusion

Okay, that’s dogshit

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