Your CKEY: fighterslam
Your Discord: fighterslam#3109
How long have you been playing ss13?: almost a year
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?: like, most of the admins and mentors, as-well as a good chunk of the community
Game Experience (More Detailed): 900h on bee alone i know most of the stuff there is to know, and i actually know how to mentor
+1 Everett is a great player and I’ve followed him around a lot. he answers questions when he can and I know he can be a good mentor!
lol imagine wanting to be a mentor this badly like bro ok well we get it you are just like me however you are an unrobust, bluepilled and unbased furry this is why i gotta give my broda a +1 for being a good member of this community fucking n
nevemrind i got my mentor restored by ago close this