Can confirm, I heard about it when it first happened and heard both parts of the story. For a quick refresher, he went assistant and rushed augments from roundstart with the intention of going to space. He stuck around due to talk of Cult activity, where I believe the first bwoink happened. Later on, he went out to space to explore, and Zesko found him at the Space Hotel, where he eventually set him on fire, and locked him in a room of reinforced walls.
Somewhere between the first bwoink and him going to space, I believe, he had gotten clown pods thrown at him by Zesko, and/or turned into a clown.
Claimed the ban reason was for powergaming, however, after going through the rules, it doesn’t seem that he had powergamed at all. In the rules (MRP), Things that are referred to as powergaming include things like acquiring weapons for no apparent reason, over escalating conflicts and rushing into danger as a non-security officer, etc.
He had a perfectly good reason to acquire augments and intended on leaving the station as an Assistant. Him trying to “Rush augs roundstart” is strange. What, should he have waited a few minutes before getting augs? That wouldn’t have changed anything. Him also going to “Powergame in space” is an odd choice of words as to my knowledge, there aren’t that many good things in space. By that logic, wouldn’t miners rushing Megafauna be powergaming? There is much better gear there then anything in space.
Overall, at the very least, the perma-ban was unwarranted for such a minor thing. If he was a Doctor or Head, then sure, but he wasn’t. In my opinion, at least, he deserves to be Unbanned as nothing he did seemed to break the rules, he’s running for council now, so he should be in contact with the other server, and that the length of the ban is simply unnecessary.
Bless spess, Everett. Hope you get unbanned so you can go “”“Powergame in space”""
Edit: I’m not involved with this ban, so there may be information I got wrong or left out on accident. This is what I know, so that’s what I’ll say.