Eyre I Player Report

Actyually “murderbone” is a highly technical term describing many unwarranted murders versus a single murder. Case dismissed, thread closed, everybody go home

Guy in question wasn’t an antag
This isn’t antag kills guy that is not his target
This is non antag kills non antag over hearsay

nah, i wasnt validhunting. i was walking back to my department and saw the guy taking a shower with his axe out so i took an opportunity. I was unaware this fireaxe guy was the validhunter who had sought out and killed the first fireaxe guy.

I mean, not saying Zesk was right, but the guy with the Axe should also be banned for powergaming and validhunting if this goes through.

EDIT: Nevermind, he clearly states he got the fireaxe off of the ling

How about some logs first chief. This shit always lingers so long without muh logs.

Also if we’re rolling on assumptions you could also assume he took the fireaxe from the ling who tried to kill him initially, before coming across zesko.

That’s why logs bruh.

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But that’s literally validhunting zesk. You heard shit on comms, saw a guy that vaguely matched the description and tried to get your valid. You called him valid in here too and that doesn’t apply like that on MRP.

Bruh. Also, hearsay.

Yeah op says he took the fireaxe after critting the ling that attacked him. Logs would clear this up

To be fair, if you hear about the station axe murderer over comms, hear people screaming about being axe murdered by the station axe murderer over comms, and then you witness a person casually strolling around covered in blood with an axe… what can you assume?

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I dunno, double shove and search?

Search for what? He’s the station axe murderer, he’s covered in blood and he’s got an axe!

But he wasn’t the axe murderer and this is MRP

I get that you’re trying to play devil’s advocate I guess but muh hearsay and muh mrp

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You can kill people on MRP even if they aren’t “valid salad”.
You just need a really good reason to.

Hearsay isn’t and isn’t allowed on LRP as well

Anyway enough argueing, post logs

I don’t really understand the “he should be banned for powergaming” against OP argument. He literally had a reason to use it because he fought against a ling lmao. Did he seek out the ling? Did he just happen to meet the ling? Was he walking around with the axe for extended periods of time?

This kinda sets up a precedent where validhunting is allowed on MRP based on what you guys are saying, not to mention… He survived the fight against the ling, and happened to pick up the fireaxe?

And in this case he wasn’t the ling, he wasn’t an antag, he survived a ling encounter and was killed AND nuggeted for simply fighting back lol. Something is funky. We need logs.


The man speaks truth. He robusted the ling with two others, took his axe and hacked the ling into -500s, then got shoved and murdered in medbay.
The ling got up and continued his evil ways.

Regardless of how it seemed, once you killed the assumed “axe murderer” you chose to to not bother with confirming if he is indeed the murderer, you chose to nugget him and leave him in morgue.

The items used by Ksanavaari: Meth+mannitol pill, flash, lube spray, plastitanium switch blade and then fire axe taken from the ling.

Pills were made 6m into the round but after ling murdered a couple of people with the axe. So preparing to defend yourself against an axe murderer becomes somewhat… understandable.

lets ban everyone for everything they do

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We out here waiting

20 characters

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Obtaining axe after shanking the ling


[2020-07-08 07:20:37.263] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has attacked Maskedvi29/(Henry Heck) with plastitanium switchblade (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 13.2) (Central Primary Hallway (99, 112, 2))

gets fireaxe from the ling henry heck
[2020-07-08 07:20:44.110] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has attacked Maskedvi29/(Henry Heck) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -0.8) (Central Primary Hallway (96, 119, 2))

Many more logs omitted of the not really relevant ling fight.

Zesk killing Ksana who didn’t even fight back, just slipped on their own lube.


[2020-07-08 07:23:06.626] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has shoved Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with knocking them down (NEWHP: 100) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 113, 2))
[2020-07-08 07:23:10.070] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 76) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1719: [2020-07-08 07:23:12.542] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has sprayed [floor] with the space cleaner which had /datum/reagent/lube (80u) (Medbay Central (148, 118, 2))
Line 1721: [2020-07-08 07:23:13.442] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has sprayed [floor] with the space cleaner which had /datum/reagent/lube (78u) (Medbay Central (150, 117, 2))
Line 1724: [2020-07-08 07:23:14.235] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has sprayed [floor] with the space cleaner which had /datum/reagent/lube (76u) (Medbay Central (149, 113, 2))
Line 1733: [2020-07-08 07:23:19.352] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has slipped on the [floor] (LUBE) (Medbay Central (149, 114, 2))
Line 1734: [2020-07-08 07:23:19.466] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has slipped on the [floor] (LUBE) (Medbay Central (149, 115, 2))
Line 1737: [2020-07-08 07:23:19.860] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has slipped on the [floor] (LUBE) (Medbay Central (149, 118, 2))
Line 1750: [2020-07-08 07:23:29.904] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has slipped on the [floor] (LUBE) (Medbay Central (149, 118, 2))
Line 1751: [2020-07-08 07:23:30.255] ATTACK: Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) has slipped on the [floor] (LUBE) (Medbay Central (147, 118, 2))
Line 1756: [2020-07-08 07:23:34.896] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 66) (Medbay Central (139, 118, 2))
Line 1759: [2020-07-08 07:23:39.161] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 53.5) (Medbay Central (134, 118, 2))
Line 1760: [2020-07-08 07:23:40.199] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 43.5) (Medbay Central (134, 118, 2))
Line 1761: [2020-07-08 07:23:40.706] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 25.5) (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1762: [2020-07-08 07:23:41.109] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 18) (Medbay Central (134, 118, 2))
Line 1763: [2020-07-08 07:23:41.483] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: 0) (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1764: [2020-07-08 07:23:42.328] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -24) (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1765: [2020-07-08 07:23:42.331] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with scalpel (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -34) (Medbay Central (134, 118, 2))
Line 1766: [2020-07-08 07:23:43.103] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -58) (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1767: [2020-07-08 07:23:43.939] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -76) (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1768: [2020-07-08 07:23:43.975] ATTACK: Admiral Hungry/(Lamples Moffbun) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with telescopic baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -76) (Medbay Central (133, 117, 2))
Line 1769: [2020-07-08 07:23:44.805] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1770: [2020-07-08 07:23:45.454] ATTACK: Admiral Hungry/(Lamples Moffbun) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with telescopic baton (INTENT: HARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -100) (Medbay Central (133, 117, 2))
Line 1772: [2020-07-08 07:23:46.343] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has kicked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) (NEWHP: -110.5) (Medbay Central (134, 118, 2))
Line 1773: [2020-07-08 07:23:47.190] ATTACK: TamePlague/(Melvin Kamf) has kicked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) (NEWHP: -121) (Medbay Central (134, 118, 2))
Line 1774: [2020-07-08 07:23:52.755] ATTACK: Admiral Hungry/(Lamples Moffbun) has grabbed Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) passive grab (NEWHP: -121) (Medbay Central (133, 117, 2))
Line 1794: [2020-07-08 07:24:12.509] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -131.6) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1796: [2020-07-08 07:24:13.385] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -147.2) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1799: [2020-07-08 07:24:14.358] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -162.8) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1800: [2020-07-08 07:24:15.145] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -178.4) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1801: [2020-07-08 07:24:16.103] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -194) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1802: [2020-07-08 07:24:16.935] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -209.6) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1804: [2020-07-08 07:24:17.806] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -225.2) (Medbay Central (139, 117, 2))
Line 1805: [2020-07-08 07:24:21.512] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -240.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 115, 2))
Line 1806: [2020-07-08 07:24:22.340] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -256.4) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1807: [2020-07-08 07:24:23.202] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -274.4) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1809: [2020-07-08 07:24:24.182] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -290) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1810: [2020-07-08 07:24:25.148] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -305.6) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1812: [2020-07-08 07:24:26.139] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -321.2) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1816: [2020-07-08 07:24:27.098] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -336.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1818: [2020-07-08 07:24:28.055] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -352.4) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1821: [2020-07-08 07:24:28.959] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -368) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1823: [2020-07-08 07:24:29.906] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -386) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1825: [2020-07-08 07:24:30.822] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -401.6) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1827: [2020-07-08 07:24:31.616] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -419.6) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1828: [2020-07-08 07:24:32.523] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -435.2) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1829: [2020-07-08 07:24:33.460] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -450.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1835: [2020-07-08 07:24:37.094] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -468.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1837: [2020-07-08 07:24:38.013] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -522.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1845: [2020-07-08 07:24:42.624] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -522.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1846: [2020-07-08 07:24:45.882] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -522.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))
Line 1849: [2020-07-08 07:24:48.527] ATTACK: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) has attacked Ksanavaari/(Richard Dickson) with fire axe (Wielded) (INTENT: DISARM) (DAMTYPE: BRUTE) (NEWHP: -520.8) (Medbay Treatment Center (139, 114, 2))

Line 1864: [2020-07-08 07:23:52.997] SAY: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) “axe guy is dead!!” (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1869: [2020-07-08 07:23:56.793] SAY: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) “wait” (Medbay Central (134, 117, 2))
Line 1874: [2020-07-08 07:24:01.351] SAY: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) “there are reports of lings” (Medbay Central (136, 117, 2))
Line 1878: [2020-07-08 07:24:04.509] SAY: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) “he may be one” (Medbay Central (137, 117, 2))
Line 1883: [2020-07-08 07:24:09.598] SAY: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) “cremator?” (Medbay Central (137, 117, 2))

No talking, no disabling and restraining, no investigation after.

SAY: Zeskorion/(Eyre I) "he may be one"

bruh guesswork and hearsay.

Looking through notes and this is the first offence of anything like this at all.

Report accepted