Exploits usage and game mechanic intent

very much correct but this is fun

solution is obviously to admin-bomb each power generation source every time itā€™s turned on


I definitely think fire should affect adjacent tiles, itā€™s always confused me that you have a fire the temperature of the sun being held back by fucking glass. If it can melt floors it should be able to melt walls. Atmospheric barriers can just be given absurdly high heat resistance if such a thing was implemented.

The issue is that the SM and TEG and Turbine would all melt the entire station instantly

oh boy tesla time nobodys poked any holes in that yet

Iā€™m not even sure it creates heat but distribution of that much energy into either the station or the air would instantly fry anything and everything in the station and surrounding space

Iā€™m fine with at least attempting some scientific rationale for it; plasma glass being some super-heat resistant form of glass I am fine with.

The issue is that making glass and walls not hold back heat is that it would take one enterprising smart antag to instantly ruin the round. Pyrosium is easily created and reacts with oxygen to create heat. Plumbing chem to insert into smoke machine and eventually you will reach unimaginable temperatures across the entire station.

Make it destroy the machine/container if it reaches a certain temperature like it would in real life. Also Iā€™m not sure if Pyrosium/Crystolane work in smoke form, I tried to do something similar in the past.

If you add oxygen as a chem to it that should work as smokes can react together


It is clear

tesla just exists as free power, sm is just free power, singlo is just free power, the only logical generator is the pacman but I get why the teg is a ā€œexploitā€ its just degenerate to put such low effort into a teg, at least use one side with freezers the other a trit/plasma fire or something

Freezers/heaters are known not to obey conservation of energy by coders tho.

Thread started by someone can actually interpret this gameā€™s spaghetti code and digs through it looking for things to exploit instead of fix.

I have a hard time believing this is started in good faith after our last interactions.

Same. I had discussed it a handful of times prior to this incident and itā€™s used in mapping on the Supermatter so I had previously told people it wasnā€™t. Iā€™m silent in the report thread because I frankly donā€™t know how to respond to it.

If itā€™s deemed an exploit, the adminbus is justified. If itā€™s not an exploit, itā€™s just flagrant adminbus.

This is one that Iā€™ve been told to ā€œfixā€ by making the TEG spontaneously explode in the past. Iā€™ve yet to actually see anyone do it though.

Iā€™d like to believe thatā€™s not true and hope you report any you see.

Also a known bug/exploit.

Power is all kinds of unbalanced. Attempting to enforce the concept that a single unit of power is equal to itself is probably a good step in the right direction and in all likelyhood appears to have been the original intent with cell chargers in the first place.

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Any game ā€œmechanicā€ that enables extremely high return for low actual effort will generally be considered an exploit, especially when done outside of intended mechanics.

For example, connecting a TEG to a heater and freezer instead of a space loop or system that creates heat as a byproduct.

Another example would be placing an air injector under the supermatter because you are knowledgeable that interacts strangely with the terrain that the supermatter exists on, and will make it impossible to delaminate the SM even if you were to pump pure plasma and CO2 into the chamber.

Yet another example would be creating many small items in the SM chamber to absorb and emit small amounts of radiation to make a massive power increase, which is trivial to do with an RPD, and bypasses the intended mechanic of the SM which is to experiment with gas mixtures, cooling solutions, and emitters to increase power generation.


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