Title: Killing people because they got in his way as IAA
CKEY: Mat05usz
Your Discord: Mat05usz#8583
Offender’s CKEY: Enthethan
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Tyler Styles
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 03.03.2020
Round Number: 13102
Rules Broken: 1, 2, 7
Incident Description: He was giving chems that cause heart attack to basically anyone that would 'endanger' him.
Additional Information: So as IAA he was giving lethal chems to any security officer he saw. I went to medbay to check some reports and he just ran next to me, injected chems that cause heart attack and ran, I didn't even know it was him, I didn't try to imprison him, just went to have easier murderbone next. After killing all sec, which most of them were not informed he is traitor, he was walking around and when any person showed any agressiveness he would just give them shit for heart attack. Keep in mind he was IAA.
yeah thats bad for an IAA
I’ll add more since this fucking horizontal shit makes it so noone will read it, he literally was running around hallways so anyone would attack him and then kill them, because he was wanted, such a RP behaviour for IAA that just has to kill one person and go away with it.
You forgot to mention that a crewsimov ai had placed a “bounty” on me. On loud mode it told everyone that im a traitor and that threres 5000 credits on my head,i was set to arrest and 40% of the station tried to attack me at one point or another…
also i was already ahelped about this in that round,admin marked it as IC.
I don’t care if you were or weren’t ahelped, you injected me when I was in medbay and you had no wanted status then, you just killed entire sec. You were IAA, that is supposed to kill one person and that’s it, you don’t have to kill entire sec and then random people on hallways because you thought they are dangerous.
Also, I have not taken out anything that you would consider attack against you, I was in med and you injected me with lethal shit, because I was sec.
one thing is attacking people because i was “thinking someone is dangerous” another thing is having security run at me with stunbaton(because i was set to arrest), me defending myself against the sec,then a random fucking dude coming at me with a circular saw attacking me without me touching him.
I was literally in medbay cloning people and you injected me with shit. I did not take any agressive action towards you, I was just helping people and yet you decided to inject me.
guys no point in arguing let an admin pull logs
I’m looking forward to that, but would be easier if dude that is known to murderbone just stopped it, but I guess that won’t happen.
guys no point in arguing let an admin pull logs
As long as it stays relatively civil, it can come with some useful information when both sides are claiming easily provable things.
I’ll look into this when I can (soon hopefully)
also i was already ahelped about this in that round,admin marked it as IC.
First and foremost, no they didn’t. No ticket was made against you. YOUR ticket was marked IC
[2020-03-03 17:27:58.127] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has flashed(targeted) Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) with the flash (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (120, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:27:59.977] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stripped the medical radio headset off Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (120, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:28:00.826] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has grabbed Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (120, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:28:02.559] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stunned Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) with the telescopic baton (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (119, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:28:42.792] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has curbstomped Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) (NEWHP: -32) (Surgery (121, 109, 2))
I trimmed this down substantially, but this was literally less than a minute into the round that you killed the first person you saw in Medical.
[2020-03-03 17:30:10.414] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (no reagents) from the initropidril bottle to [hypospray] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (118, 115, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:27.812] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/coniine (30u)) from the coniine bottle to [reagent gun] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (117, 115, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:32.470] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/curare (30u)) from the curare bottle to [reagent gun] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (118, 115, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:44.887] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/sodium_thiopental (30u)) from the sodium thiopental bottle to [reagent gun] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (118, 115, 2))
Prepping a LOT of toxins for use, only three minutes into the round - suspicious for someone who wouldn’t already have intentions to mass kill folks, but not against the rules in itself.
[2020-03-03 17:35:05.749] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) with the chemical dart REAGENTS:Coniine (5)Curare (5)Sodium Thiopental (5) (NEWHP: 75.9) (Engineering Maintenance (105, 102, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:15.619] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shoved Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: 9.7) (Engineering Maintenance (105, 104, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:16.401] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shoved Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: -2) (Engineering Maintenance (105, 104, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:40.219] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stripped the security jumpsuit off Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: -86.6) (Engineering Maintenance (101, 98, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:44.343] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stripped the riot suit off Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: -100) (Engineering Maintenance (101, 98, 2))
You kill and strip velvet, again trimmed down substantially
[2020-03-03 17:36:37.283] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/initropidril (30u)) from the hypospray to Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) (NEWHP: 84.9) (Bridge (125, 160, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:36:57.472] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 44.6) (Bridge (125, 161, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:36:58.387] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 33.6) (Bridge (125, 161, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:36:59.796] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Pill_U/(Nathan Richter) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 78) (Bridge (125, 160, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:01.737] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Pill_U/(Nathan Richter) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 69.4) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 158, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:04.692] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Pill_U/(Nathan Richter) with the chemical dart REAGENTS:Coniine (5)Curare (5)Sodium Thiopental (5) (NEWHP: 63.4) (Central Primary Hallway (128, 156, 2))
Injecting/killing Nick and Nathan here
[2020-03-03 17:37:28.109] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Arbalezt/(Phyllis Pretzel) with the electrode (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (134, 139, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:28.564] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Arbalezt/(Phyllis Pretzel) with the electrode (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (134, 139, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:33.678] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stunned Arbalezt/(Phyllis Pretzel) with the telescopic baton (NEWHP: 95) (Bar (135, 137, 2))
Did not kill Phyllis here, but the list goes on from here. I see you load prep two more of your lethal toxins for use and I’m not thinking I need to dive much further at this point because this is only ten minutes into the round that you went out of your way to attack five players.
This is akin to the changeling walking down the public hall with armblade out and claiming self defense because they have to murder everyone that knows they’re a changeling now. I’m getting other admin opinions now to determine if I need to dig more or not, but this is looking pretty guilty to me.
Honestly it’s pretty cash how Tyler Styles got away with this
I wasn’t the only sec officer that saw that he had armour and gamer gear, but I was the only one to try and arrest him. Smh, sec offs allowing CMO to have gamer gear instead of arresting.
But, I got the slippy and darted. GG on that btw, I like to use sleepy pen with poison kit, dart gun is nice, too.
Before I died literally said, “:s CMO TRAITOR,” before succumbing with my final most intelligent words, “Cum…”
Next thing I know CMO just walks up to captain (who knew they were traitor because bruh?) and kills them. That’s when I’m like, “Ok,” and accept CMO is gonna win this round because everyone is a tard.
Following with all of sec is dead and everyone is confused? Bruh, the sec offs are to blame. Yeah, IAA is cancer when you do this, I know. However, sec should be more robust (no one even used pepper spray, tear gas, flashbangs, or went into engineering to get N2O )
Give him some slack and allow murderbone on MRP, maybe? Just a thought…
Why would you not drink or carry a bottle of charcoal with you when you know the person you’re dealing with is using chems? Double cringe! Literally a bottle o’ charcoal at Brig.
Also, I would drink two bottles and chased that fucker with an axe (sadly Luka stole my engie access smh) while shooting their legs with disablers and bolas
allow murderbone on MRP
I advocated for this as well, so long as there was a good role-play reason behind it of some sort; just throwing that out there before I follow up with:
It’s still not allowed currently (and was actually recently restricted further so I don’t see this changing) regardless of what I want to be allowed. I’m not making the rules, and enforcing them should still occur when someone raises it as a concern, and this is definitely concerning for someone to do.
[2020-03-03 17:28:20.589] SAY: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) “sure” (Surgery (121, 109, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:29:05.948] SAY: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) “wait” (Surgery (118, 110, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:29:11.704] SAY: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) “wait bro” (Medbay Central (112, 110, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:56.725] SAY: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) “yo cap” (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (114, 117, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:43.885] SAY: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) “stupid cat■■■” (Engineering Maintenance (101, 98, 2))
These are the only things they said the entire time I logged above [not whole round] to anyone. This is not the type of murderbone I advocate for at all. This is not engaging behavior for RP at all.
This also means the first doctor just had him walk up to them and get curbstomped purely because they existed.
also i was already ahelped about this in that round,admin marked it as IC.
First and foremost, no they didn’t. No ticket was made against you. YOUR ticket was marked IC
i got ahelped saying something along the lines of “why are you murderboning”,i said that i wasn’t murderboning,it was self defense because alot of the station was after my ass,either they straight up attacked me or ran at me with weapons/chased me for an extended period of time, admin said fine or something like that and marked it as IC.
[2020-03-03 17:27:58.127] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has flashed(targeted) Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) with the flash (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (120, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:27:59.977] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stripped the medical radio headset off Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (120, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:28:00.826] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has grabbed Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) passive grab (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (120, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:28:02.559] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stunned Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) with the telescopic baton (NEWHP: 100) (Surgery (119, 108, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:28:42.792] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has curbstomped Thepineapple0896/(Dirk Mathews) (NEWHP: -32) (Surgery (121, 109, 2))
I trimmed this down substantially, but this was literally less than a minute into the round that you killed the first person you saw in Medical.
Yes the first person i saw isolated aka my assasination objective.
[2020-03-03 17:30:10.414] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (no reagents) from the initropidril bottle to [hypospray] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (118, 115, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:27.812] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/coniine (30u)) from the coniine bottle to [reagent gun] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (117, 115, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:32.470] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/curare (30u)) from the curare bottle to [reagent gun] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (118, 115, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:30:44.887] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/sodium_thiopental (30u)) from the sodium thiopental bottle to [reagent gun] (Chief Medical Officer’s Office (118, 115, 2))
Prepping a LOT of toxins for use, only three minutes into the round - suspicious for someone who wouldn’t already have intentions to mass kill folks, but not against the rules in itself.
That’s such an odd complaint/observation, i bougght a reagent gun and poison kit, of course im gonna dump the toxins into it.
[2020-03-03 17:35:05.749] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) with the chemical dart REAGENTS:Coniine (5)Curare (5)Sodium Thiopental (5) (NEWHP: 75.9) (Engineering Maintenance (105, 102, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:15.619] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shoved Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: 9.7) (Engineering Maintenance (105, 104, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:16.401] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shoved Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: -2) (Engineering Maintenance (105, 104, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:40.219] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stripped the security jumpsuit off Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: -86.6) (Engineering Maintenance (101, 98, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:35:44.343] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stripped the riot suit off Winter Darkraven/(Velvet Pinkawalt) (NEWHP: -100) (Engineering Maintenance (101, 98, 2))
You kill and strip velvet, again trimmed down substantially
I don’t full recall,either she attacked me already or she ran at me with stunbaton,i vaguely remember this while being chased in maints.
[2020-03-03 17:36:37.283] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/initropidril (30u)) from the hypospray to Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) (NEWHP: 84.9) (Bridge (125, 160, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:36:57.472] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 44.6) (Bridge (125, 161, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:36:58.387] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Eva_NightShift/(Nick Emelyanenko) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 33.6) (Bridge (125, 161, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:36:59.796] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Pill_U/(Nathan Richter) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 78) (Bridge (125, 160, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:01.737] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Pill_U/(Nathan Richter) with the rubbershot pellet (NEWHP: 69.4) (Central Primary Hallway (125, 158, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:04.692] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Pill_U/(Nathan Richter) with the chemical dart REAGENTS:Coniine (5)Curare (5)Sodium Thiopental (5) (NEWHP: 63.4) (Central Primary Hallway (128, 156, 2))
Injecting/killing Nick and Nathan here
Alright,captain had stolen the uplink i got from killing my objective/dirk matthews, i wanted the all access and the uplink back,nathan comes to defend captain i think?
[2020-03-03 17:37:28.109] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Arbalezt/(Phyllis Pretzel) with the electrode (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (134, 139, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:28.564] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has shot Arbalezt/(Phyllis Pretzel) with the electrode (NEWHP: 100) (Bar (134, 139, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:37:33.678] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has stunned Arbalezt/(Phyllis Pretzel) with the telescopic baton (NEWHP: 95) (Bar (135, 137, 2))
Did not kill Phyllis here, but the list goes on from here. I see you load prep two more of your lethal toxins for use and I’m not thinking I need to dive much further at this point because this is only ten minutes into the round that you went out of your way to attack five players.
Phyliss was the Head of Security,i don’t remember if i was set to arrest at that point but phyliss did attempt to attack me.
i got ahelped saying something along the lines of “why are you murderboning”
I checked all the adminchat and didn’t see it come up, I’m sorry if I missed it :S
Yes the first person i saw isolated aka my assasination objective.
That’s such an odd complaint/observation, i bougght a reagent gun and poison kit, of course im gonna dump the toxins into it.
It’s because buying the poison kit is a strange thing to do for someone with one target, and a target they’ve already killed by the time it was purchased.
I don’t full recall,either she attacked me already or she ran at me with stunbaton,i vaguely remember this while being chased in maints.
Velvet openly admitted to trying to attack first, though logs show nothing of the sort - this can be the case if they never managed to click you or anything else before getting dunked. The honesty really helps here
Alright,captain had stolen the uplink i got from killing my objective/dirk matthews, i wanted the all access and the uplink back, nathan comes to defend captain i think?
I’ll allow it given the situation so far. Bit aggressive, but not unjustified if true.
Phyliss was the Head of Security,i don’t remember if i was set to arrest at that point but phyliss did attempt to attack me.
Yes you were set to arrest by that point actually (I didn’t check that initially), so this could have been self defense. I again, don’t see record of being attacked first, but that won’t always be the case if you’re quick enough to get the drop on your attacker.
I appreciate you taking the time to post after saying you wouldn’t, it makes the whole situation look a lot less shady when I do a near 180 on the situation. I’ll dig more for further down - I never got to your encounter with Mat at all.
[2020-03-03 17:44:27.325] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/initropidril (25u)) from the hypospray to Riz-15/(Riz Mcneal) (NEWHP: 100) (Medbay Treatment Center (109, 122, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:44:41.056] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/initropidril (20u)) from the hypospray to Mat05usz/(Luka Stainforth) (NEWHP: 100) (Medbay Central (110, 118, 2))
[2020-03-03 17:44:42.521] ATTACK: Enthethan/(Tyler Styles) has transferred reagents (/datum/reagent/toxin/initropidril (15u)) from the hypospray to Exelior/(Exelior Aze) (NEWHP: 96.3) (Medbay Central (111, 121, 2))
So what has happened here?
If he was set to wanted by sec, then since he has contraband that will lead to his death if he’s caught, he’s allowed to preemptively get rid of them since they’re a clear threat to him succeeding.
If he was set to wanted by sec, then since he has contraband that will lead to his death if he’s caught, he’s allowed to preemptively get rid of them since they’re a clear threat to him succeeding.
That’s why I’m digging further into it now, He -was- set to arrest.