[Engineering] What tool you think is used more often? Pick 3 of them

  • Screwdriver
  • Multitool
  • Wrench
  • Welder (any)
  • Crowbar
  • Wirecutters
  • some fucking cable coil bruh
  • Tool I write into comments (still engineering)

0 voters

How did you not manage to include RCD


How did you not manage to include RCD

RCD just bypasses a bunch of tools. I saw a PR that makes RCDs rarer a while ago. It’s hilarious how people think our construction system is something people should use. Shit’s ridiculously slow even with alien tools. Maybe if all build speeds got halved it’d be worth it.

Anyway, screwdriver is included in fucking everything at least once, so it’s my pick, unless the sheer amount of people moving machines with wrench somehow compensates for that tool’s lesser use.


But what about jaws of life?

But what about jaws of life?

separate mode uses would still count as crowbar/cutters. unlike rcd it still performs the tool function.

Screwdriver, with the least used being their brains.

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Its really not, not compared to bay

that’s like, your opinion man (and so is what I said)

Screwdriver + multitool + crowbar is basically AA but for gamers :sunglasses:


real gamers use a timer set to two seconds instead of a multitool


It makes sense that deconstructing an entire full size wall or industrial machine with hand tools should take a bit of time. Come on.

name bigger cringe than people balancing a video game over realism

a video game with wizards and dragons

wirecutters are least used smh my head my headd


Crowbar was always a must.

You would open airlocks and depowered doors with it and it was such a life saver.

But now crowbar takes too long and you can’t even open an airlock with your ID to save your ass from being plasmaflooded because NO ACCESS

Yeah Crowbar definetly loss some points ever since the new update to airlocks

Still i would go with Crowbar/screwdriver

and a point for my bruddas the cable coils

I only need to use a fireaxe, can function as crowbar(for door), and deconstructing tool.

Good for deconstructing not only objects but also livings

Screwdriver > attatch signaller to bolt wire > sell signaller to hos for 1000 credits

Admin build mode tool.


not really a tool in the common way, but the Remote Signaling Device is a grossly underrated tool and practically speaking, a ghetto multitool+insulo gloves at the expense of doing a loud BEEP BEEP BEEP whenever you send a signal.