CKEY: Demdisco
Offender’s CKEY: Unknown
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Ella Aese
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 08/03/2020
Round Number: 19386
Incident Description: I joined in as paramedic, there was a massive fight between the HoS and the Captain because the HoS was searching people on blueshift without warning, so the captain arrests the hos and lets the antag that the HoS captured loose.
Given that the captain just let an antag run away, I retrieved the hos and set him free.
Some random engineer came to security with a flamethrower, and given the obvious intent, I arrest him and take it from him. (He even shot it at me during this cute literally baton chase), I pocketed the flame thrower because things were happening after each other in a fast amount of time.
After some time, the traitor gets captured by the RD for being in the bridge. The traitor had a d.e sword and a an agent card. I was about to execute them but others wanted to clown the traitor or something, so I healed him. I asked the HoS if I can keep the d.e sword and he said yes.
Down the line, the HoS yells in comms that he was captured in library and stripped of his stuff (Which was true), I find him buckle cuffed to a chair so I drag him right to security. It is at this point Ella starts chasing me with a flash bang, wearing all of the HoS’ stuff. I am stunned on the ground and they (chaplain and ella) take away the hos and I run back as fast as possible with the d.e sword in an attempt to stop them, but the chaplain had a baton (and I believe hulk), the d.e sword failed to get enough hits in before he did with the baton, so I go down. He runs away and I quickly run back to where I last knew the HoS was and that is when Ella shoots me dead; before Ella manages to shoot me dead I get to shoot the flamethrower once but it’s not to much effect because it was a shitty tank or something.
Additional Information: I was pretty much acting sec at this point, yes. Ella as a non antag full stripped the hos (On MRP) for something she had nothing to do with, (Wasn’t even in the right), this on its own is not MRP. I’ll most likely be called out for the flamethrower / d.e sword, but I think that using them in this case when they’re obviously going to kill the HoS (to which they did) is right.