Electrosssnake (accidentally?) double job-banned by inithis?

Title: electrosssnake (accidentally?) double job-banned by inithis

Admin’s CKEY:
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one:
Which server did the ban happen on?
Ban Type:
Job ban (both bans are job bans, but they have different length!!!)
Ban Length:
First ban:
Ban Date: 2021-06-06 16:04
Expire Date: 2021-06-20 16:04

Second ban(right after the first one):
Ban Date: 2021-06-06 16:05
Expire Date: 2021-06-11 16:05

Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Self antagging with poisoned plants because they were bored.
Appeal Reason:
Accidental double ban, maybe it was supposed to be replacing the first ban. If not, what’s the point of banning two times?
Additional Information:
So is that a mistake or not, if it is then I’d like that ban to be lifted, and if not, well get a clarification on what’s the reason of that strange behavior?

The first longer ban is a job ban from botany. The second shorter ban is a game ban.

This is standard procedure for most bans relating to jobs.

There actually is another botany ban, most likely the 1st botany ban was a mistake, but it really does not matter, as it wouldn’t change anything

No it does change everything, because it is longer by 9 days, and expires at 20.06.21. If it is a mistake, then in should be lifted.

Pay attention to the expiration date.

Yes, that’s how it’s intended, there would be no point to a job ban if it lasted just as long as the server ban, I am fairly sure that:

The server ban is intended
The shorter job ban is not intended
The longer job ban is intended

Why did he do the shorted job ban afterwards though?

Still no explanation from admins.

Misclicking while trying to make the server ban.

→ Set botany ban length
→ Hit ban
→ Set Global ban length
→ hit ban
→ realize its still set to job ban
→ Set to server ban
→ Hit ban again.
→ Remove middle ban
→ Still shows up on ban page because that’s how our database do.

Nothing about the currently active ban was unintended.

You can’t delete the ban but you can change its message.

After the ban has been lifted the message can no longer be changed

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Will @Inithis confirm though?

Yep, I can confirm, the longer role ban combined with the shorter server ban is correct, the short role ban was an accident and is effectually meaningless with the longer role ban being present.

Well ok.