Efemu discord admin report

Discord misconduct:

Your Discord: Hanako#9991

Offender’s Discord: Efem#4339

Rules Broken (if relevant): 2. Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.

Part of Admin/Mentor Conduct Broken (if relevant):
#6-hour-messages 14:13/14:20 GMT december 18th 2021
not sure if direct links are cool on the forum so I’ll just strip the slashes to be on the safe side
https discord com/channels/427337870844362753/605890709953970183/921768882987991081

Incident Description: bee admin posts overtly sexist sigma joke

it’s a video clip is of a foreign televised for-money trivia competition, where (according to the subtitles) the questioner gets stuck and asks two members of the audience, a woman and a man, who offer different opinions on the answer
the questioner opts to go with the man’s answer, and meme music starts playing and text pops up proclaiming him a sigma
the entire punchline and message of this video is not to trust women in a meaningful context

Additional Information: can provide more info i.e. screenshots, the video, if necessary

We agree that the post was not appropriate and that staff should not be making such statements; ironic or not. This is why the post was removed even though we hadn’t seen this report yet.

After discussing this incident with the Head Admins and reviewing Efe’s overall in-activity as an admin, we have decided to remove them from the team. We strongly believe in building a more welcoming community, and part of that means applying our rules evenly across the board and ensuring that staff respects and enforces those same beliefs.