In-game report:
Offender’s CKEY: unknown on both, sorry
LRP or MRP server: Sage
Offender’s In-Game Name: Edward Irish and Tommy Irish
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 12/21/2020
Round Number: 25269
Rules Broken: 14. Do Your Job
Incident Description:
As Warden and CMO, fucked off to space with an assistant and died. Took the CMO’s hardsuit and hypospray (which is irrelevant because it was clock cult round, but it’s still poor practice) and a security riot hardsuit and guns from the armory.
Additional Information:
I ahelped this in the round but didn’t get anything back from the admins. If the players have already been noted for this then ignore the thread, otherwise bap them as hard as you can because this is shitty behavior for a head of staff and security member