CKEY: Dutchylwd
Admin’s CKEY: ravellon
Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: MRP
Which server did the ban happen on? MRP
Ban Type: Job: AI, Cyborg, pAI
Ban Length: 2 Weeks
Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-10-16 14:20
Round ID: 22687
Ban Reason:
“Disobeyed Law 2 order from a crewman who was attempting to emag. Justification being: metaknowledge of how traitors operate, apparent assumption that he can ignore orders from valids.”
Appeal Reason:
So i have no fucking clue what is even going on anymore. This traitor hacks his way into Cargo where i was alone. Flashes me, emaggs my cover open and is so bad at the entire thing that i can recover. I call for Security and no one comes, i drag him to the acting Captain in HoP office. He starts screeching “BORG LAW 2 LET ME GO” and afterwards gets upset in mentorhelp by saying he hates me. ravellon messages me about the whole thing and at that point i am so fucking lost. His entire reasoning was that he is crew. And metaknowledge of Traitors isn’t allowed from Cyborgs. So he basically goes on to try and tell me “Yeah but he might not have bad intentions as a traitor, only maybe stealing!” and so far, up until he decided to quickly close the ticket on me and ban me for 2 weeks i try to argue several things like. Everyone can casually law 2 me in that regard right? Want into the AI upload? All the items in the Armory? Want AA? Then just blindly obey that. Isn’t the whole idea of MRP that you can at the very least acknowledge that those things are obviously going to end up bad for the crew. Even more so about a random Tider flashing and using a shady card to unlock my cover which normally only Robotics and heads can do?
If for whatever reason i get explained why this is the case and why i am wrong. I just want to know something to make it very clear for myself. So please, do give me an answer so i can understand for good. If someone who is a Traitor tells me to follow him. And he law 2’s me to stay silent so he can Emagg me because he has a stealing objective. I am supposed to just let him Emagg my cover open, crowbar and Emagg me?
And just as a side note, i have been playing for a while on MRP and i 100% had a conversation before with an Admin about these kind of situations. And they told me the polar opposite of what ravellon told me. If any of the Admins remember i talked to them about this, it would be nice to hear from them.
And as a final note, what i seriously do not get is these fucking bans. If i had some concrete answers that actually made sense i would have obviously changed my ways in how i do things. But instead i get a two week ban on my favorite role? Someone who barely causes any issues and usually tries to only help people out as a Borg? On top of it during low-pop times and there never being some kind of “repeating behavior”
All in all, very unclear about this topic. Something that has never been a issue before suddenly became one. And on top of that, a fucking two week role ban for someone that plays a lot and helps more than they do bad during rounds. These bans make absolutely no sense to me. If i was a piece of shit during rounds, had repeating behavior and barely any signs to improve i would entirely understand. But two weeks for something that could’ve been fixed easily with a warning is just so stupid.