DurrHurrDurrHurr player report

In-game report:

CKEY: AstralCowbell

Offender’s CKEY: DurrHurrDurrHurr

LRP or MRP server: MRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Dont know, he was in a Durand

Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 10.26.2020 (CET)

Round Number: 23051

Rules Broken: Self-Antag

Incident Description: Im warden. Shuttle is on its way to the station and the Sec office area in front of the HoS office is depressurized. I see a Durand inside the area running against the wall and then smashing against the doors. I assume they have a problem with opening them so I enter. After a moment, I get shot at with a laser so I turn back. While trying to escape through the hallway, I get hit another time and fall into crit. The Durand leaves the area and me to die. I know which ckey killed me because they boasted about it in ooc after round end, claiming I had “red eyes”. Also, he didnt show up on the end-of-round report as an antag.

Additional Information: OOC: DurrHurrDurrHurr: I killed the warden at the end lmao

After seeing the logs seems like a deserved ban.

I understand wanting to rescue and help someone however you shouldn’t stamp your feet and murder the guy because they
A: might not have heard you
B: may be more concerned why there is a heavily armoured mech in a secure area smashing stuff, no matter what you say

Trying to do a funny “Hey guys I killed him LMAO” just adds salt to the wound for no reason.
I don’t know if this was something for a stream or not, but if it is, do not. We’re more than happy to have you stream on the server but not if this is related to it.

Also FYI : Red eyes is a cosmetic option in character creation.

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: DurrHurrDurrHurr banned by bloons3