Dream2nite admin app 😳

**Your CKEY (Including any alts you have):**dream2nite, covetingnote

Your Discord Name (Including any alts you have): dosen#1421

**How often are you online to play/admin? (Timezone):**gmt+1, currently I have a lot of free time

What changes, if any, would you bring?:
more lrp admins :flushed:
How old are you?:
Why do you want to be an admin?:
i like ss13, i think lrp usually lacks admins around the time i play
How long have you been playing SS13?:
a singular round in like 2017, don’t even remember the ckey I used, but actually playing I began feb 1, 2020
How long have you been playing BeeStation?:
ending of 2020, i think
On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you in SS13?:
On a scale of 1-10, how skilled are you as an admin?:
only on ss13, i’d say probably a 4
Have you ever been an admin on another server? This is not limited to SS13:
I used to head admin one of the biggest barotrauma extended (legacy) servers, high quality suffering, from basically it’s creation to it’s closing because of barotrauma coming to steam and the host not wanting to buy it
Do you have any alternate accounts on SS13? If so, could you provide their CKEY?:
Your strengths:
I consider myself a very patient person
Your weaknesses:
I think I focus on little details a lot more than I should
Is there anything that gets you really mad, real fast?:
I don’t think so!
What do you think is the most important trait for a staff member to have?:
patience - to be able to hear out everyone’s side before handing out bans
What makes a staff team good?:
being able to communicate with the players
What is a staff team’s purpose?:
responding to when a player needs help, driving the round in a more fun direction for everyone
What kind of player are you?:
EPIC gamer!!! i try to do what would be funny for me, without harming others
How do you think you will change once you become a staff member?:
i’ll get more ghost hours😔
The clown slips the HoS and steals his gun, spacing it right after. What do you do?:
move the gun back into hos’s office, subtle message the clown about not throwing out antag objectives
A non-antagonist is sabotaging the Atmospherics loop and pumping plasma into the distro, along with dragging around a canister and releasing it into the atmosphere. Assuming that another admin is cleaning up the after-effects, how do you conduct the ahelp with him?:
ajail the guy, ask him why he did it while checking his notes, if it’s obvious griefing on an alt, perma
A chemist who is working alone accidentally mixes an explosive mixture inside of his chem dispenser, instantly killing himself and destroying the machine, along with exposing Chemistry to space. Nobody else was injured aside from him as a result of his actions. What do you do?:
nothing, it’s an ic issue, I just tell him to not mix explosives in a single beaker next time

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Clown should be bonked about it because you should not take the unique HoS gun and space it as a non antag.

The rest looks fine, also won’t give score because not an admin :flushed:

[REDACTED, See below post]

More importantly, you’ve had too many recent issues for this to be considered at this time. You’re welcome to re-apply in the future if you can keep a clean record and prove you can follow the rules correctly before trying to tell us you want to enforce them.

Correcting a major mistake in my prior post:

The outstanding ban for covetingnote does not exist and was appropriately appealed. The second half of the post is still accurate and applies however - we cannot expect someone frequently and recently at odds with the rules to be good at enforcing them.