Dolt banned by Bilary

CKEY: Dolt

Admin’s CKEY: Bilary

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Both

Which server did the ban happen on? Don’t remember

Ban Type: Global

Ban Length: Permanent

Ban Date: 03/27/2019

Round ID: 2992

Ban Reason: Non-antag bombing

Appeal Reason: This was a year ago after the sseth overflow. I was a new player myself and just finished making my bomb. Then i was encouraged by other newbies to blow up it up in the middle of the station. I didn’t leave the game after, as the ban description says, but went ghost to observe the damage.
Anyways, in the last year i have abandoned my bombing ways and I’m following the rules now.

Additional Information: I wasn’t asked anything by the admin, just banned immediately. I didn’t appeal earlier because i thought it was deserved. BanID is 863

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@GameAdmin Someone has to take this over.

I’ll go ahead and lift the ban on the conditions you are not to carry out any further bombings as non antag. If you are found to do it again you will be re-banned