Appeal Reason: A man posted a video that showed a reddit post and it said “I do not condone pedophilia, but…” or something like that and I posted a copypasta from r/libertarian
that said something about “Im not a pedo, but the age of consent laws are a violation of our rights.” or some bullshit.
I then got muted(which in my opinion was really dumb because you could have just deleted my comment and talked to me and said that I cant post that.)
The video you’re referencing was also deleted. What you’ve stated here is the entirety of what the video said, with the last word cut off for comedic effect until the end.
Your posting was a rant trying to justify sex with young teenagers. I’ll re-iterate what I said in #the-salt-mines - the only reason you weren’t yeeted entirely was underreasonable assumption it was a copypasta and not you genuinely trying to justify wanting to have sex with minors.
I don’t see a reason to lift this given the issues you’ve already had in discord coupled with your in-game issues. You’re approaching a permanent ban from the game pretty quickly.
No. And I disagree with the immediate re-appeal being accepted at all. I stand by what I said in the first denied appeal for your game-ban
Your chances run out eventually. Awaiting at least one secondary opinion from @gameadmin
It being a copypasta doesn’t make it okay to post it. That logic is pretty stupid imo. Normally anything that contains erotic content will be met with removal. We made that policy about a month ago. It’s your responsibility as a user to keep up with our rules. Speaking of rules, you seem to have a problem with following them.