Dirtydan17 banned by haliris

? thats the 2 accounts i have. my friend when hes in town plays at my house and is the one who introduced me to this game. we dont cheat and have been pinged before asking why we played on the same ip address. told them they said its fine just watched us heavily and nothing has been said since. other than my friend and the accounts ive said there isnt any other.

Give em’ time to respond, admins don’t tend to be too active on weekdays

Also, cryoing empties that job slot so someone else can join as it.

ahh ok i didnt know that tbh

I’m lifting this. It’s been a week so I think the message is clear anyway. Don’t act like a griefer again.
I still don’t really understand what you were trying to accomplish, you however act apologetic so I’ll give the benefit of the doubt.