Detective Shop

Can’t it very easily blow up in your face that way?

10-60%, increasing with spent ammo

The best indicator he did that would be coming into medbay with his arms blown off.

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Yeah, ballistic evidence was one of the more “cool but not really useful” ideas there.

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Obviously we speed merge gun cargo to make this worthwhile :slight_smile:

I love the corkboard idea, and personally think that something might be interesting to consider is slimming down what’s available in security/medical records at round start. Fingerprints aren’t something you just have and can crack open to instantly find suspects, but you need to go out and actually fingerprint suspects, or run blood sample analysis at medbay to get DNA sequences.

Or acting more undercover sleuth, tailing someone to try to get their prints, lifting them off a glass they handled at the bar.

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Simple idea for a box

It has a extra gun and a det ID upgade(recoded version of the miner one)
as for clothing the basic hat and a pair of bunny ears

and only one mindshield inplant.

what you do with it is get a coworker to help you solve cases

Detective being able to defacto deputize and arm their metafriend some random assistant is a bad idea IMO.

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I think its better if this process happens naturally and not through mechanics. Detectives are by default supposed to interact with crew in order to figure out crimes so it doesn’t sound weird to me, but making the process that free (and a plus, a weapon? wtf) kind of ruins it for me. I’d rather snatch an assistant to get me my morning coffee and figure out what’s going on at the bar or just ask them what’s up, and if I need an armed tag team then I already have that, it’s called secoffs.


Get the assistant to bring you a boiled egg.

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