Demi-Wahoo Mentor application 2: The idiot returns

Mentor Application

Your CKEY:

Your Discord:

How long have you been playing ss13?:
Since 2019. Where did the years go.

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
Not that i know.

Game Experience (More Detailed):
I have played this game for over 3000 hours. Though, i am still confused by newer things.

Science: I know how xenobiology works, but i haven’t touched anything related atmos, so no max caps on my resume through toxins. Robotics, i know how to construct mechas, bots, cyborgs, AIs. How to make cyborgs not connected to AI or have specific lawsets when they are created. Space exploration, i think i know at least a bit enough to help others who have no clue how it works.

Service: With the changes done to it, i am slightly annoyed with how buggy it is as some recipes, for example “Cake Cat” are not possible to finish. Botany is my favorite part of service as so much can be done to it, both helpful and destructive.

Engineering: Basic construction. I know how to make machines, consoles and other things, but not how to make SM working. I tried learning it via guide and i only ended up blowing it up. Weakest part of mine.

Cargo: Bounties, mail, move freight. Crates to shuttle for extra profit. Hacking console gets more options. Miners get ore and rare items from tendrils.

Medical: Another favorite of mine. I know how to do surgeries, how to revive folk either by surgery, cloning or even shoving brain into a monkey and humanizing it if cloner is busted. Chemistry recipes and chemicals are familiar to me, though i get names of chems wrong sometimes. With soft removal of virology, i cannot say much more.

Security: Standard procedures. Do not arrest as Detective, talk to reason and help via space law as Lawyer. There is not much i can say here unfortunatley.

Command: Mostly CMO. Basic knowledge on how to deal with things as command.

Also, here is the time thingy from “view tracked playtime”

  1. What does the botany borg look like?

  2. Which golem is the best?

  3. What species is ‘lum’?

  1. Botany cyborg is actually service module cyborg. Specialty boards can be printed once researched, one among those specialties for service module is “Botany”. In other words, it is just service cyborg, which in itself has 4 looks - One similar to a medical module, One in a suit, one in a maid outfit and one in casual pink shirt and a hat.

  2. That all depends on situation. Each golem has their advantages and drawbacks. You can’t go wrong with adamantite golem. Cardboard golem is best for creating self replicating army of golems. Cloth golem can revive after dying unless they are set on fire. Bluespace golem teleports around. Plasma golem explodes when lit on fire. Leather golem starts with aggressive grabs. It all really depends on what you need at current situation.

  3. “Lum” is Luminescent Slimepeople. They are one of two Slimepeople subspecies. This one specialises in having ability to “ingest” slime cores and using their abilities. Each color of the core has minor and major reaction, some ranging from useful to gimmicky to suicidal, as some can make you explode or worse. For example the positive ones, light pink core gives you renaming potion on minor reaction, while on major it will give you a sentience potion. Gold core on minor reaction spawns a critter, major spawns a dangerous mob WHICH behaviour changes on your intent… On help it is friendly, on harm it is agressive.

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I’m gonna recycle the last batch of questions I asked on the last mentor app that never got an answer

1.- Can pirates murderbone?
2.- Can I become a dog as a player already in round?
3.- How to clean floors fast?
4.- How do I make the AI make honking noises on the announcements? I’ve heard them do hornks but when I do it it says the word out loud.
5.- What gimmicks can I do as a chef?

  1. As an antagonist their objective is to gather as much credits as possible. They can destroy security for it and those who hunt them, but hunting everyone to point of killing everyone is not what they should do.
  2. There are many ways of becoming a dog in round. First way involves getting mind swap potion obtained from Xenobiology (You get it from Rainbow Slime, obtained from 100% mutation chance on a slime). Second way requires you to find a specific artifact that can turn you into corgi for a while, though these tend to break and get horrid backfiring malfunctions. Third way is by chemistry, specificly Corgium (This chem creates a corgi, but drinking it let’s you turn into corgi yourself. Create reaction by drinking chems). Lastly, though it probably doesn’t count, you can turn into Borgi if explorers find a board on their expedition. Simply as a cyborg have this board put into you by someone else.
  3. By tossing cleaner grenades. You get some as Janitor in your closet or you can ask chemist to make you some more.
  4. When you write vox annoucement, you can write either shonk or soundhonk. Not quite remembering which one is it. You may find vox annoucement help in the AI tab. There are all of the words you can use there.
  5. Any gimmick you can wish as long it doesn’t involve killing crew. You can make pizzeria and deliver pizzas to anyone who calls you. You can make lots of donuts, pastries only. Sky is the limit.

Don’t forget the anomaly crystal animal type that can be dropped by Legion a lavaland megafauna boss

You fell for the oldest trick in the book! That was a rule related question! You can’t answer those!

10/10 response

Decent enough response, you should have also mentioned the floor cleaner upgrade for the janitor’s ride and the advanced broom.

It’s not called vox announcement but this is a good response ^^

Decent response

Overall, it could be better, you failed at the trick escalate-to-adminhelp question and I didn’t quite like the janitor one but I think you aren’t a bad fit for mentor. I can’t vote because I’m not from the staff team but since I’m the best clown on BeeStation that means I can counter this fact. You have my “special clowny +0.5” that will definitelly be counted by the stinky admins.

But those are artifacts, right? (Edit) Wait no, i made a fool of myself

questions 2 and 3 were actual mhelp questions that I literally didn’t even know the answers to so I’d say you did pretty well and you have my +1

T:+1 (+0.5 :clown_face: )

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I cannot offer a +1, but I can absolutely vouch for Demi’s botany knowledge.

Demi absolutely has a few old dark botany recipes hidden away, and knows a lot of the hidden or more niche mechanics you can do.

You were a very solid mentor, I am eager to see your return

Nothing has happened for 20 days. Should it be counted as denied or anything? Have i wrote something wrong or off-putting?


Seniors are slow and mentors have not given enough questions.

I’ll forward this to the mentors and crack the whip


We’ve had like 0 mentor questions so I’d like to wait till there’s at least some to process it do i deconstruct an AI core( with an AI in it).
2.where do i get plstell from?
3.moth or lizard?
4.I have a objecitve to damage equipment in medbay can i bobm it with a maxcap?


Hello! Your ammount of hours already speaks quite well for your experience, but I’ll still make a couple of questions, tee hee. How would you respond if you got the following mhelps:

  1. “help, I’m stuck”
  2. “what’s wrong with this SM”
  3. “How do I make atropine?”
  1. Help i can’t pick up the frames from this beehive
  2. I’m an explorer on deltastation and i can’t find the ship
  3. The gibber isnt working for some reason? I’m trying to put a human body in it.
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I ain’t a mentor but I feel like asking questions cause its fun

  1. How can I heal this ashwalker that ended up on the station as he keeps staying in crit and anything I does nothing
  2. What heretic path should I start with?
  3. “the classic assci art troll face in Mhelp”
  4. Can I get borged as an assistant round start?
  5. I see an engineering borg disable a anomaly is it possible for me to do it too?
  1. Funny Answer - Explode it. Preferably with C4. Serious answer - There is answer on wiki “Guide to Construction - AI Core”. Crowbar → Crowbar (Removes Brain) → Wirecutters → Screwdriver → Wrench → Welder.
  2. If by plsteel you mean Plasteel it can be obtained from lathes located in all departments. It can be printed for bit of iron and plasma. Alternatively, if miner did not do their job, you can always deconstruct reinforced tables, reinforced walls and airlocks with additional protection, but that can get you bad attention due to it’s destructive nature and how it is always done by greytiders or antagonists.
  3. Human
  4. This question should be given to admin via adminhelp.
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  1. (I don’t think i can answer that). How exactly are you stuck?
  2. If it is burning use holofan before entering the chamber and try spacing it via RCD (Rapid Construction Device) that can be printed at engineer lathe or found in CE’s locker. Turn off the emitters and look around if the loop is working as intended. Also, if there is a problem, it may be related to gases that can be inside of the chamber and loop. However, if SM is glowing like christmass tree, it is most likely possible that a traitor sacraficed their emag to delam it.
  3. For atropine, you require chem dispenser. Here is the recipe: Guide to chemistry - BeeStation Wiki
  1. Click the Beehive. If there are no frames in it, then no frames will come out.
  2. If my memory serves me right, Explorers office along their ship is located in west part of the arrivals on this station.
  3. Most likely the power is out making it not work or you are not holding the body. Click the body with grab intent and try again.