Mentor Application
Your CKEY:
Your Discord:
How long have you been playing ss13?:
Since 2019. Where did the years go.
Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:
Not that i know.
Game Experience (More Detailed):
I have played this game for over 3000 hours. Though, i am still confused by newer things.
Science: I know how xenobiology works, but i haven’t touched anything related atmos, so no max caps on my resume through toxins. Robotics, i know how to construct mechas, bots, cyborgs, AIs. How to make cyborgs not connected to AI or have specific lawsets when they are created. Space exploration, i think i know at least a bit enough to help others who have no clue how it works.
Service: With the changes done to it, i am slightly annoyed with how buggy it is as some recipes, for example “Cake Cat” are not possible to finish. Botany is my favorite part of service as so much can be done to it, both helpful and destructive.
Engineering: Basic construction. I know how to make machines, consoles and other things, but not how to make SM working. I tried learning it via guide and i only ended up blowing it up. Weakest part of mine.
Cargo: Bounties, mail, move freight. Crates to shuttle for extra profit. Hacking console gets more options. Miners get ore and rare items from tendrils.
Medical: Another favorite of mine. I know how to do surgeries, how to revive folk either by surgery, cloning or even shoving brain into a monkey and humanizing it if cloner is busted. Chemistry recipes and chemicals are familiar to me, though i get names of chems wrong sometimes. With soft removal of virology, i cannot say much more.
Security: Standard procedures. Do not arrest as Detective, talk to reason and help via space law as Lawyer. There is not much i can say here unfortunatley.
Command: Mostly CMO. Basic knowledge on how to deal with things as command.
Also, here is the time thingy from “view tracked playtime”