Title: Demetry, TigerBrows, Nazarasev player report
CKEY: DurrHurrDurrHurr
Your Discord: DurrHurrDurr#4091
Offender’s CKEY: Demetry, TigerBrows, Nazarasev
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Dream Mildred (spelling?) something Violet, didn't catch the warden's name
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 10/17/2020
Round Number: 22710
Rules Broken: Shitsec, execution without permission, honestly dunno how to categorize this one
Incident Description: Was walking in the halls after about 40 minutes working in medical wearing the CMO's hardsuit as a non-antag, was shot at without warning, ran away, was chased down and beat into crit by people in the hall while they were chasing me. Was dragged off to sec, where I died on the floor with most of the security department standing around me and talking. They then stripped me and shoved my corpse (with soul still inside) into the brig morgue tray while talking about setting it on fire instead. One of the more bizarre incidents of shitsec on the server. I had no opportunity to communicate with them at any point.
“Was walking in the halls after about 40 minutes working in medical wearing the CMO’s hardsuit as a non-antag, was shot at without warning, ran away, was chased down and beat into crit by people in the hall while they were chasing me. Was dragged off to sec, where I died on the floor with most of the security department standing around me and talking. They then stripped me and shoved my corpse (with soul still inside) into the brig morgue tray while talking about setting it on fire instead. One of the more bizarre incidents of shitsec on the server. I had no opportunity to communicate with them at any point.”
I was the warden, Victoria Violet. Put plainly, I had a lot of other shit on my mind at the time and I saw an assistant’s corpse in CMO’s hardsuit. I wanted to get HoS’ or Cap’s opinion on it, but cap was busy making an extremely doomed tesla and wasn’t responding, HoS was dead, Brig Phys had apparently gone insane and murdered a mime for no reason, so I wound up deciding if it was an assistant in CMO’s hardsuit it was probably an antag or a greytider and just shoved him into morgue without really checking his shit, when I probably could have stripped, tended, and defibbed him myself to interrogate him. I don’t remember anything about anyone setting him on fire or something like that, but I was distracted at the time, so it could be that one of the other officers said something to the effect and I didn’t notice.
I won’t defend my decision. It was made in haste without much thought. I don’t know what events led to him being brought to the brig as a corpse, but I was ultimately the one that morgued him. I’ll eat a punishment without complaint if it’s necessary.
I feel for the two admins that already answered this in the round, with the round managing to hit 33 tickets.
RE: @Tiger_Brows it looks like a collective failure that cascaded after the security officer escalating to lethal force instead of attempting a normal arrest. The player in question also BoH bombed this round and I’m not sure how they got away from both that and an immediate-lethals arrest without so much as a note.
I don’t fault either of the others that were presented with your body and a story by the first officer, and both of them were already spoken to by an admin as well.
Marking as processed, action against the first officer pending some discussion with the two present admins.