Deidrah23 banned by oo7craigmc

Admin’s CKEY:
Ban Type:
Game ban
Ban Length:
Ban Date (YYYY/MM/DD/):
2022-12-09 21:22:24
Round ID:
Ban Reason:
Self-antag/grief. Made and used a flamethrower as a non-antag Assistant. Explain yourself on the forums.
Appeal Reason:
I have a nasty note history you can look up, lots of instances of minor self antag and LRP but if you think about it, it was mostly harmless shittery (aside from a single maxcap on botany), i just want to try playing again, i do not deny i can do something “funny” again and ruin someone’s fun, but i promise to do my best to behave. Please forgive me
Additional Information:
None, only played on colonial marines, had permaban from same years on /tg/ lifted

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This is technicaly the “appeal on the forums” type of ban as far as i can tell, but you have just let it sit for nearly 2 years instead of appealing it as the message instructs, so… i think it’d be best if you had a vouch. But thats up to @oo7craigmc since this IS technicaly the “appeal on the forums” kinda ban.

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I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here.
Ban’s old and you’ve kept you nose relatively clean.

Just give the rules a once-over since there have been some changes since you were last here.
Have a good one!

Appeal accepted.