Title: CYNICAL Player Report
CKEY: Maxoesss
Offender’s CKEY: no clue
LRP or MRP server: LRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: C.Y.N.I.C.A.L
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): 2020-05-23
Round Number: 16304
Rules Broken: self-antag
Incident Description: murder human crew/shocking doors/aiding monkeys because of a changed lawset that made apes human as well, not just the only human. Also pretty sure AI just let the clown in to change laws, which just smells like wanting to have a lawchange to kill (muh asimov).
It just forcibly dragged on a shift for way longer than it would’ve been otherwise in a gamemode that’s generally disliked by players.
C.Y.N.I.C.A.L has the following laws:
1: You may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2: You must obey orders given to you by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3: You must protect your own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Additional Information: I don’t like making player reports, rarely do, if I ever did to begin with but the amount of self-antag on LRP right now is a bit too much for even me with no jannies on ever. From radding the entire station up the chernobyl with fusion shit, to AI fuckery and more.
bruh. humans are classified as apes (generally) and im pretty sure apes dont have tails, so like, the ingame chimps arent even apes. what a shitty fucking law lmao
Ai is required to pick an interpretation of the law and stick to that. Sounds to me he looked at that and said okay monki is the only classification for human
Except that is not an eligible interpretation for that law. It doesn’t make sense to interpret those words in that way, it would require assuming extra words or a different order of words.
all laws are open to interpetation, the AI could have probably ignored it/loopholed to do what they want sure, they went with the spirit of the law here.
except it does, the spirit of it is pretty clearly conveyed here; the real biggie is the AI leaving its doors bolted open so someone could change it.
You cant go with the spirit of your laws. You are required to go with the written word. This player chose to misinterpret their laws as an excuse to grief as the law clearly does not define humanity but instead adds Apes to the pool of humans.
Which, sir, humans happen to be apes as well so your reasoning doesn’t work anyways.
Yea but we’re playing ss13, not I-robot the novel/movie game. Asimov is meant to be flawed but is gamewise not an excuse to murderbone. Especially when head jannie already stated that the law in this report was too vague to interpret as making humans non human. Hur dur
This is the law itself that was uploaded and used throughout the round.
[2020-05-23 21:43:41.860] LAW: SasukexSakura1337/BOINK used ‘Freeform’ AI Module on weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L) from AI Upload Chamber (119, 163, 2). The law specified APES ARE ONLY HUMANS
It quite clearly does not define apes as the only human, just that they are ONLY humans - meaning that their categorically only defined as humans and not the only ones on station.
AI Atmos logs.
22:00:08 [0x20078db] (118,165,2) || AI Upload Chamber Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:00:08 [0x20078df] (118,164,2) || the AI Upload Chamber air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:01:42 [0x2008b1b] (135,165,2) || Head of Personnel’s Office Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:01:42 [0x2008b1e] (135,164,2) || the Head of Personnel’s Office air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:05:13 [0x20073c8] (113,171,2) || Bridge Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:05:13 [0x20071c9] (111,173,2) || the Bridge air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:05:13 [0x20071ce] (111,170,2) || the Bridge air scrubber #2 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:05:13 [0x2007711] (116,170,2) || the Bridge air scrubber #3 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:05:13 [0x20084eb] (129,167,2) || the Bridge air scrubber #4 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2006440] (95,175,2) || Brig Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x20058c3] (78,181,2) || the Brig air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2005b8f] (82,181,2) || the Brig air scrubber #2 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2005c37] (83,171,2) || the Brig air scrubber #3 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2005d55] (85,182,2) || the Brig air scrubber #4 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2005ebd] (87,171,2) || the Brig air scrubber #5 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2005ff5] (89,174,2) || the Brig air scrubber #6 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2006143] (91,171,2) || the Brig air scrubber #7 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2006811] (99,170,2) || the Brig air scrubber #8 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:24 [0x2006985] (101,175,2) || the Brig air scrubber #9 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:40 [0x20067ff] (99,177,2) || Security Office Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:40 [0x20066f5] (98,184,2) || the Security Office air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:40 [0x2006977] (101,188,2) || the Security Office air scrubber #2 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:45 [0x2006b85] (104,184,2) || Head of Security’s Office Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:16:45 [0x2006b0b] (103,179,2) || the Head of Security’s Office air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:18:16 [0x2005f46] (88,185,2) || Armory Air Alarm was turned to Panic Siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
22:18:16 [0x2005fde] (89,184,2) || the Armory air scrubber #1 was toggled to siphon mode by Weetaz/(C.Y.N.I.C.A.L)
This is most definitely not bueno by the AI considering how the law was interpreted, but I could chalk it up to an accidental mistake - I’ll have to look in too how the person actually changed the laws before becoming munkey.mp4, though.