As Far as i see it, cult is by far the most broken antag in the entire game, they have everything they ever need, they have no weaknesses if the game doesn’t start with a chap, and with the dwindling population of LRP, which i mainly play on, thats one of the most common occurrences possible.
they have way too much versatility, they can make their own weapons, they can teleport, they can stun for 30+ seconds without any downsides to themselves, they can convert robots in order to have those robots teleport to wherever they want, even inside A.I satellite, and easily eliminate any threats. they can delay shuttle constantly to prevent humans from escaping, meaning that unlike any other antag in the entire game, they are not under the pressure of getting their objective complete before shuttle arrives. they are also usually not able to be seen by A.I, as they are always hiding in vents, meaning that unless someone escapes cult and yells about it, it’s too late for anyone to react.
in addition, their ability to summon their god in less than 3 minutes is way too strong, considering how, even with things like nuke OPs, who used to be considered the most broken antag, have to declare war, announcing their prescence before they can do anything worthwhile, or they are easily identifiable right away due to the blood red hardsuits they almost always wear, where as cult is able blend in with the crew until it is too late for people to react.
i quite frankly feel like blood cult is one of the strongest antags for all the wrong reasons, their one non-chaplain weakness is mindshields, which they are able to remove on their own, eliminating any challenge using them would have. i propose that cultists attain one, multiple, or all of the following nerfs:
Disable their ability to teleport, or massively increase the downsides on it, say, a distance limit, or make it require disabling one of their arms completely, or make it so they can only teleport to and from runes that are in the view of a camera, not requiring it to be enabled, but just, something to limit the range.
prevent them from stunning for more than 5 seconds, as 5 seconds should be more than enough to completely prevent someone from escaping, keep the mute duration, but either shorten the stun time, or make it play a loud sound so its no longer stealthy and able to be used in crowds.
make them take increased damage when they have been revealed by the game itself, as currently, they take the same damage, if not less, when they are revealed, due to their armours and such
Remove their ability to delay shuttle, making them subject to the same time limitations of the other antags, as, currently, they have the fastest ability times possible, and, as mentioned before, are able to summon nar’sie in less than 3 minutes once the summoning starts, and since usually by then most of the crew is converted, they should not need to delay the shuttle.