Crossed gives his support to merge Felinids into Humans

The remove Felinid PR failed, obviously, but Crossed said something I wasn’t expecting. You might want to have a look at his comments in the above link.

Thoughts on this?

I myself am content.

This also links in with @bluezorua 's thread

Wasn’t expecting?

Crossed isn’t really a partisan in this matter. This is simply just the most pragmatic way to resolve this, by compromise.

This way reduces alienation of both camps.

It was always going to be:

  1. “Triumvirate” confirm compromise
  2. Crossed and a maintainer/headdev confirm a compromise
  3. Crossed tells you to compromise

Im assuming this conversation has already happened in one of the staff chats.

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What I meant by wasn’t expecting was I thought the PR was just gonna be closed with the standard “no”.

Its been festering for literal years. Nipping this shit in the bud within a few days of the pr was the logical choice.

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The support is also for the additional customization of all races, I believe. I may be reading it incorrectly though.

Frog race when?


Maybe this will one day open the way for catgirl IPC?

Also yes I will die for Frog race

Delete this.



i would LOVE bay-style biomods

could also please the weebs by adding their other animal-girl shit


Any info on the biomods, this is the first I have heard of them

biomods effectively are just different shit you staple into you char

each species has different biomods

iirc humans have cat ears, rabbit ears and FILTHY FUCKING ELF EARS also horns for some reason. lizards also get like some plates or something but I forgor


Some cringe combinations could come out of that, but the more character customisation the better imo.

I do hope they add something like this.

To save y’all a click, Crossed supports merging Felinids into humans via organ customization.

Contributors are working in this direction anyways.

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What about a roach race?



I just got fucking done with removing some unused species lets stop adding more for time being!

I’ll die for roaches.


Then perish!



I am ok with this. -A felinid main

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