Criss Podson Player Report [LRP]

CKEY: Winter Darkraven

Offender’s CKEY: N/A

LRP or MRP server: LRP

Offender’s In-Game Name: Criss Podson

Round Number: 25607

Rules Broken: Do not self antag/Grief

Incident Description: As a non-antag engineer, released N2O and attempted to plasma flood for the memes. N2O was released at the Bar using a canister labelled as air.

Walked about with a flamethrower, too. Flamethrower was used at Fore Primary Hallway and Central Primary Hallway, should make log diving easier.

Flamethrower is honestly good enough. They aren’t frequently used since they have had a tendency to kill the user unless wearing fireproof gear.

Confirmed release of N2O and flamethrower.

Report processed.